
What is it about freedom that so terrifies the Alt-Left?

An Android phone at an Apple price. I can hear the thud from here.

Don’t forget this one: (of course, he’s both neo and paleo Nazi, so bonus points...)

In making your argument, you probably shouldn’t have shown it right next to an Apple Watch. Not only does the Apple Watch look better, but the Movado really looks as thick as a hockey puck.

I was afraid that the word “Breitbart” wouldn’t penetrate your shields, but you should be aware of a few things that occur outside the bubble-verse. I’d ask for your refutation, but you didn’t read the article, so...

Well, when you discriminate against employees like Google does, don’t be surprised when you get sued. Pretty simple.

Exactly what I was thinking. I would never have the time at my job to write long, researched articles about corporate groupthink or to get all triggered in my safe space over said article.

I grew up on mechanical keyboards, and I am so glad they went the way of cassette tapes! I’d rather work on my MacBook Air keyboard than any mechanical keyboard.

Debra W. Soh, Ph.D., a Canadian science writer:

I love going to a supposed tech site like Gizmodo and finding so many science deniers here. It’s a hoot!

By “these people” you mean the snowflakes of the left, right? That is the clear tone of this whole article.

The irony of it all is that in my state (Nevada) they have set up a teacher evaluation system where it is mathematically impossible to get an “A” (4 out of 4). Meanwhile, we set it up where the average grade for students is A.

At Gizmodo, the damn rich are the damn rich. Don’t get caught up in particulars. Just tax em all! “They didn’t build that...”

Yeah, the rich have cars, which means they don’t need the stinking subway. And, it means they can go wherever they want! They can even go to other states that don’t seek to steal all their wealth, oh, er, forget I said that. Nothing to see here...

Wow, sounds like you haven’t been in school in the past two decades! (Not a sarcastic remark about you, a sarcastic remark about other people’s entitled mentality). Now, if you pretty much do what is asked of you in school, you are entitled to an A. If not, you are entitled to a B. Used to be where C was doing all

Doesn’t surprise me one bit. Had the same issue with EBAY. I have a 100% rating there, and I used to sell a lot of stuff. One time, a seller took my money (I paid immediately) and never delivered the item. I opened the dispute, etc, and a month and a half later, the item arrived. I gave an honest rating. Next

Wow, this “screed” is the most rational and logical thing ever posted at Gizmodo.

George Takei writes vile and hateful things and you think he’s awesome. Shatner writes very reasonable things and you prove his point, going all SJW on his behind. Get thee to thy safe space warp 4 (don’t want to go any faster and harm the environment)!

No there hasn’t. According to Steven Moffat: “There has been so many press articles about the backlash among the Doctor Who fandom against the casting of a female Doctor. There has been no backlash at all. The story of the moment is that the notionally conservative fandom has utterly embraced that change completely