
Typical of Fake News sites, there actually has been no complaining according to Steven Moffat:

Also, you can order, go over and pay, then just pick up and go. I really liked that at Wawa this summer!

Next time you find yourself in the street holding a “#FightForFifteen” sign, I want you to remember this moment...

The showdown in Massachusetts! The guy who thinks he invented email (when we all know it was Al Gore who invented it) versus the woman who thinks she’s Pocahontas! He’s the trolling expert (see his birthday present to her, a DNA ancestry kit from Amazon), she’s the economic illiterate. Should be a fun campaign!

This is truly unfortunate, but in today’s political witch hunt climate (there’s a Russian under every bed), it may be the key to survival for the company, so its hard to blame them.

Oh no, now how will people ever know where Hillary Clinton got her name (six years before anyone had ever heard of Sir Edmund Hillary)?

Boy, you guys are really into self parody since November. Fox News says that the costume is missing white in thinly coded message to white nationalists.

You note that Apple fans are programmed to be loyal, but I think my experience belies that. I was a Windows/Palm fan until HP killed Palm and I needed a replacement. I looked at Android, but iPhone seemed superior, so I went for it. That was the iPhones 4S. Since then, I’ve gone all Apple for the whole family. We all

Wow, I saw the headline and I thought this was a story from The Onion mocking third wave feminists.

Wow, if those are your examples of “racist fans,” you’d best check your mirror, your bigotry is showing.

The Pirates movies went through a strange progression. The first was far better than I though it could be. As a result, I saw the second. That was about what I had expected from the first. Then came the third one, which was one of the worst movies ever made. It was so bad that I really didn’t want to see the

The Orville looks like the best of these by far. Ghosted also looks really good (sort of the X-Files with Shaun and Gus). Those are the only two I’m sure to watch. The rest look pretty weak, although Deception and the Crossing might be worthwhile.

You note that we have to register our drones, but not anymore:

You are a classless, shamefully disgusting human being.

Should we be concerned that The Orville looks like a better Star Trek show than Discovery?

Why would I want a safe space? There are already enough special snowflake SJWs here. Gizmodo is already one giant virtual safe space.

This is probably irrelevant, since it will take a long time for this service to get to Reno, but what happens if I subscribe (when it gets to Reno), then I go on vacation somewhere where they don’t have service? Can I still access the service anyway? Perhaps a better example, if my dad signs up in NY, then comes to

Translation: “I can’t refute your factual point, so *Waaaaah* Breitbart...”