
Boo hoo. Go find your safe spaces and safety pins. As a white Catholic male, I’ve faced discrimination everywhere since college in the 1980's. Not being a member of a protected minority, discrimination against me is legal. I just have to suck it up and move on. Fine, I’m better for it, but I’m more than a little done

Um, yeah, ok. May be time for your medication now...

“Call a spade a spade”? Really? Nice job Archie Bunker. What a racist statement! Only a racist would say that! I’m going to my safe space now and getting out my coloring books and Play Doh.

Twitter is banning people for hate speech based on the standards from the Southern Poverty Law Center, and no one gets the irony? SPLC is one of America’s premiere (and most profitable) hate groups. Then people sit back and wonder why Twitter is spiraling into irrelevance.

So, its not cool to boycott companies for their bigoted stances (like GrubHub), but it is totally ok to smash their windows and burn them down if you lose an election?

This isn’t particularly funny coming from John Oliver. It sounds more like a headline from The Onion.

As a teacher, this is one of the main reasons I voted for Trump. Getting rid of the Dept. of Ed and the Common Core National Standards is a top priority to me. This is all good news...

Imagine that? Companies selling what people want to buy and people buying what they want. Its been so long since we’ve had a free market, it becomes hard to recognize one when it returns...

Yesterday, America stood up to the disaster of eight years of Obama and said “no more!” We are tired of the racism of Black Lives Matter, Barack Obama, and Eric Holder. We are tired of being told that anything we have to say is irrelevant due to the mythical “white privilege.” We are tired of being tied to the KKK,

And we are the abused and forgotten Americans who stood up last night!

Right, like Donald Trump famously said: “Your insurance premiums will fall by $2500.” “If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance,” “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” Wait a minute, that wasn’t “Trump’s tendency towards not exactly being truthful...”

Don’t know why you call stopping the flow of drugs into the US a “non-starter,” but if 20 million Americans lost health insurance, would they even realize it? Under Obamacare, people have been “insured,” but a $600 a month premium for a $12,000 deductible isn’t insurance, its paperwork. I think the millions of

In this economy, it gets harder each day to justify the TV subscription. Frankly, the only thing that keeps me “wired” (I have DirecTV) is NBC Sports and NHL Network. I have the package, so I can watch the Islanders anywhere and everywhere, but the few times where they move a game to NBCSN or NHL, those games

Last Pass is easier for multiple platforms than 1Password, but I prefer to use 1Password on my iPhone and iPad. Now that I have a MacBook too, I primarily use keychain rather thanLast Pass, et al. I’m stuck on a windows PC with Chrome at work, so I still have Last Pass there, but I doubt I’ll bother to add it to my

I just got my first Mac this week (MacBook Air 13") after being a Windows user since Windows 3.1 (and DOS before that). After a few days with the Mac, I can firmly say to Microsoft, You Can’t Have It!!! No way! I still use and like Windows 10 machines at work, and I still have four of them at home, but the Mac is

Absolute disaster (see above post). It comes off the charger and runs like a heat seeking missile for the nearest thing it can beach itself on or jam itself under. In two years, it has completed its cleaning cycle twice.

Absolute disaster (see above post). It comes off the charger and runs like a heat seeking missile for the nearest

Every day when you come home, you get to play “where’s roomba.” Every day, it sets off from its charging dock at 9:00 AM (user set), whereupon it then seeks out the quickest way to beach itself on something or jam itself under something, leaving the house just as dirty as when you left. And after you find Roomba, you

Every day when you come home, you get to play “where’s roomba.” Every day, it sets off from its charging dock at

So, the only qualification is being female? I have some unemployed friends, where should they apply?
