
Isn’t it amazing when you consider that neatly 100% of all good movies are made in the US or UK, and we have the least Netflix access to them?


I had used Downcast for years, but then the Apple Podcast app just overtook all others. For one thing, Siri integration. For another, iCloud syncing across platforms, including Apple TV. Basically, I was left with only a couple of things that I missed from Downcast, the most valuable being the way the app would try


The worst part about the green bubble is simply a practical one. If your text is too long, it splits the text into two or more green bubbles, then sends them in no particular order, and then sends them through the Verizon SMS Time Distortion Field. You can create some pretty funny (but impractical) situations with

Well, now, that’s just a sexist comment, so you really shouldn’t be commenting...

Ok, you’ve thrown down the “racist” card, so I guess the argument is officially over. Are you sure you didn’t want to thrown in the “sexist” card too while you’re at it. You can’t be too careful, I mean someone might reply with something you don’t agree with, so you really should cover all your bases. Maybe

There you go, that’s how its done...

“He is not just spouting his belief from the roof tops he is funding negative press on the opposition and dirty tactics such as hiring people to post misleading debunked lies on forums to try and persuade people to vote against their beliefs.

It’s true that Milo is guilty of Tweeting while Conservative, but it also isn’t relevant. Well, unless you can seriously contend that if Mark Zukerberg were to join a BLM protest where someone else torched a car or looted a store, he too would be disappeared from Facebook?

Ok, I get that Breitbart and Fox News are not “legitimate” because you disagree with them, but what about Rasmussen? Are they ok, or do you have a name to dismiss them with too?

Ok, then, please show me the stories of people who have lost their jobs over their support for Mitt Romney, John McCain, Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan...

Ok, then you may no longer debate me on this topic because you’re a racist and therefore have no standing to argue. Now I will go off and celebrate my victory over you in this debate.

You are frightening. Someone should be “disciplined” for supporting a major candidate for President. Would you prefer summary execution, or just a trip to the gulag?

How frightening has it become in America that simply supporting the candidate from one of the to major parties in America is sufficient to cause him to be shunned by an entire industry? I mean, it’s not like we’re talking membership in the KKK or CPUSA. This is someone who’s thinking is in line with half of the

Why not just take Robot Hillary right from the debate stage and install her as is? Would be much less work than trying to create another robot Hillary.

So, clearly, you haven’t been watching it?

This is exactly why I avoid all Samsung products like the plague. It isn’t that they make terrible products, most of their products are quite good, but if you get a lemon, you’re on your own. They refuse to stand behind what they make. They rely on other companies like Verizon, or in my case Amazon, to take the hit

Yes, that’s the point.