
Wait, am I missing something here? I’ve never used Sanpchat (not being 13 years old and all), but I can easily send someone a picture or text via iMessage or even SMS in the rare circumstance where SMS actually works.

It's not all that hard. All you have to do is be a gay conservative (the antithesis of politically correct) and you're gone. Just ask Milo.

See, now that, that is actually funny!

More social engineering resulting in the wussification of America. No wonder millennial males are the weakest males ever. Time to man up. We can't carry the load for you forever.

This would probably be funny if I were 9.

Star Trek was best, with an honorable mention for Suicide Squad (excellent movie, and so much better than the reviews). I refuse to give my money to SJW Ghostbusters. Apocalypse was also very good.

Well, I've actually seen one (Die Hard), and I've heard of four of the others...

Thank you, you said exactly what I (and everyone else who has ever actually had a dog) was thinking!

We never have much of a problem with this because Roomba never runs for more than 5-10 minutes before wedging itself under some furniture somewhere and playing its “I’m stuck” code. Seriously, in the two years we’ve had a Roomba, its successfully completed its cleaning cycle and returned to base about 10 times. We

Maybe the solution to all of this is located in Hillary’s emails?

Great story! Also, did you know the word “gullible” isn't in the dictionary? Really, go check. I'll wait...

OMG, do you want Hillary to win?!

I have to say, even though I rank President Obama as one of our five worst presidents (Carter, Wilson, FDR, Jackson, and Obama in no particular order) and I think the banning of Milo from Twitter was a cowardly disgrace, I have no problem with this.

Who brought Bill Clinton into this conversation?!?

Assange was the hero of the left when he was releasing national security docs from the Bush administration, but now he's going after your girl, so he's no longer credible. It's just too perfect!

Where to start? It’s way too expensive. Also, it has a 100 mile operational range. I know it can go about 200 miles on a charge, but you can’t drive 200 miles, pull into a gas station, and pull out again five minutes later. It means you have to make sure you can get home again and not need it long enough to charge it.

Yeah, only one slight problem with your argument. Most 1% ers are Democrats, not Republican. (The way you put it, that most Republicans are 1%ers makes even less sense, since that would make the Republican Party even smaller than the Green Party, but I get it, math is hard for you Hillary supporters.)

So that must mean that these properties are selling at a huge discount now, right? I mean, if the seas are actually rising, and this land will be underwater soon, then the owners must be desperate to sell, lest they get stuck with underwater property. Anyone have some contact numbers for realtors in the area? Looks