
Nevada has one! I've seen it myself.

I find it funny that everywhere else we are seeing convergence, but here you advocate divergence. I have a phone that is my entertainment center/game system/camera/etc., but you want me to have my around town cart, my freeway car, my shopping truck, etc. one SUV does all this. It all seems so backwards.

Wow, this is all pretty scary. I’ve sold (and bought) quite a bit with PayPal over the years, and I’ve never had a hint of a problem. I never knew there were issues out there.

Finally, we agree! Have a good one...

Having a “right” to a thing means someone has to provide it. This is why the true rights in our Constitution do not require anyone to provide goods or services to anyone else. If the government comes to my home and steals my food, that’s theft. That is not a “right to food.”

Governments make water now? I guess they start up their water processing plants utilizing their profits from, oh wait, they don’t have any profits. So, they use the funds from taxes. They take the work of some of their citizens and convert it into products for other citizens. So, they compel service to provide a

Actually, I am. See, the 13th Amendment only applies to the United States. Other nations are free to set their own laws regarding slavery. You must have been sleeping that day in seventh grade.

Um, pardon me for asking, but do we have a carrier fleet stationed offshore of Fiji forcing them to give us their water?

So, you think slavery is a human right? After all, if someone MUST provide something to people, as with water in this case, then you are in favor of compelling the services of another human being without compensation. Much like the newly found “rights” to housing or medicine, these “rights” grant people claims upon

You don’t like something so it should be banned. Great rules to live by. Or, we could stop turning 50% of the rainwater in California over to “environmental purposes,” and start building some new reservoirs. But then, you don’t get to feel good about yourself for banning something.

So, you’re voting for Ted Cruz too? Cool!

Its the most intelligent thing he has ever said. Now he can go back to aligning his policies with Hillary Clinton so we can’t tell the difference when it comes time to vote.

Maybe they could sell the show currently on iTunes and make some money instead of letting it all go for free? I purchase each season of GOT at iTunes, so I am stuck at the end of season 4. With the other shows I buy, I get the episode the next morning after it airs, but HBO is too greedy to do that, so they hold the

This knee-jerk blanket condemnation is the same thinking that got cell phones banned in cars in most states. One person talking on a cell phone drifts all over the freeway narrowly missing fifty other people talking and driving just fine, and next thing we know, we have a law banning cell phones. No proportion at all.

That is simply factually incorrect. If you purchase music, it comes as an unprotected .MP3 file. You OWN it. You can do whatever you want with it (except post it to download). Now, if you were making that argument about iTunes movies and TV, then you have a point.

Does anyone know how to change album artwork and make it stay changed? I saw the tip above and thought, “sure, but why bother when iTunes will just change it back later in the day?” To be clear, I’m using iTunes Match, and I have changed several tracks and albums which have the wrong artwork (generally with the wrong

Sorry guys, but baseball is so incredibly boring, any amount is too much. With the Stanley Cup Playoffs just starting, it amazes me that anyone still watches baseball. I started a youth lacrosse program in my town, and the baseball program is dying as a result. Pretty soon, no one will be playing baseball either.

I already don't want to visit your crappy theater, so your solution is to have me bring a raincoat too?

I've already emailed my senators in support of this bill, but you reminded me to email again. Thanks! Get the lands out of the hands of the Federal Government and maybe they will finally be managed properly.

Torrents at higher than 1080p? I've yet to see one. Even if they are technically 1080p, the transfers suck and the audio is relatively awful.