
Well, duh. If you refuse to sell it, people will steal it. I have bought the first 4 seasons at iTunes, and I will keep buying when they are available, but they withhold the iTunes release until a year later, then cry poor when people download it for free. I buy a season pass for SHIELD, I get the episodes a day

Nope. I'm throughly in the Apple ecosystem, so I get everything from iTunes, and Netflix too of course. I prefer to pay for what I use, and the quality of itunes media is unparalleled. Likewise, I like watching on my big screen home theater with AppleTV. If you sell it, we will buy it.

Are you kidding? Atheists provide some of the best fatwas! They just use the ACLU rather than ISIS.

This is an intriguing story about a quaint outpost, but in a place where they “designate their property and labor shared,” ie communist, they have predictably fallen behind the world and need a bailout. This again shows that only through competition will we find the best solutions to problems. Hence, when they have a

OK there, don't send out a fatwa on me.

No question, we definitely need more disinterested and uninformed people being forced to get out there and vote! As if the 2014 Election didn't already prove that, nothing is more important than making sure the people who couldn't be bothered to learn about issues still have their voices heard!

Sorry, but as I have learned from the Left, there is no debate when I comes to global warming. Everything is indisputable.

Tes Cruz is a skeptic?!? There's no room for skepticism in science! The man must be excommunicated immediately!

You attempt to make a compelling argument in favor of racism and sexism, but you have failed to pursuade me. I'll continue to choose my books based upon quality, but feel free to choose your books by your own moral code.

Actually, it is usually the sub 50% movies on Rotten Tomatoes that are the ones worth seeing. You have your exceptions, like Guardians of the Galaxy, but usually the highly rated movies on Rotten Tomatoes are the foreign, art house, super self important, garbage films that no one actually pays to see.

Yes, In N Out is truly the most repulsive of fast food. Ate there once, and I'll never make that mistake again!

Excellent read, but you have one minor typo. You transposed McDonalds and In N Out Burger.

Are you talking about between periods? I solve that with NHL GameCenter Live. I just skip it. Other than that, hockey is a solid 60 minutes of almost unbearable excitement. The only other sport that approaches this is lacrosse!

I've had Transitions lenses for decades, and I've never had the problems you describe.

One of the reasons people don't get hockey is because they "can't watch the puck." As a former player and lifelong fan, I never got that. Do you watch the ball in basketball? If so, does your neck get tired bobbing your head up and down for two hours? You should be watching the game, not the puck.

I'm glad handwriting is all but gone! As a former minor league hockey player, I have broken both hands so many times (fighting) that my handwriting is nearly completely illegible. Add to that that handwriting hurts as I age, and I'm glad its on its way out!

My nice Casio PAW1500T started failing recently (some of the LCDs stopped working) and I had a decision to make. Hold out for the Apple Watch, or go for another Casio ABC watch. In the end, I decided to go back to the Casio ABC (this time, I went for the PAW25ooT) and this article is exactly why I did so. I

Wow, nice article. 8 Dumb Complaints About Ted Cruz. Nice one!

Ahhhh, got it. Thanks!

Ahhhh, got it. Thanks!

OK, but could you give me some specifics?

OK, but could you give me some specifics?