
Nice try, but my legs don't fit there. The damn seats are so close I'd have to get up, straighten my legs, then slide back down to get them in there. Of course, if all the overhead compartments are full, like almost always, then my backpack is there anyway.

I'm 6'3" with a 36" inseam. If you recline at all, you are going to inflict pain upon me. Therefore, it is only fair that I be able to inflict equal pain on you. I think if someone reclines on an airplane, I should be able to smack that person in the head with a hardcover book every couple of minutes.

I suppose one marginally watchable movie per month ain't too bad.

When people still believe him, things are worse!

I was all set to write this when you beat me to it!

Does it stay mounted? That's my number one complaint about these mounts. They appear to stick perfectly, then you back out of the driveway, and crash, off it falls.

Does it stay mounted? That's my number one complaint about these mounts. They appear to stick perfectly, then you

You do realize how lucky you are that your wife is the one who wants this? (I have the same good luck)

I'm 6'3" 245 lbs. Sleeping on a plane just ain't never gonna happen. It would be nice, but...

It's called "Celestial Darkening," and it's caused by humans driving cars burning fossil fuels. It's really scary, so you should give me a million dollar research grant to tell you how much your lifestyle has to change in order to stop this.

Over a decade ago, we were warned that Big Green was coming for our SUVs to "save the planet." Most people scoffed at the time, but sure enough it came to pass. Now they're coming for our cable boxes and DVRs. Maybe they could pick another planet to "save" and leave us alone? Mars has global warming too. Go raise

Unlimited data and no scams. Glad I'm with Sprint.

I did that all the time until Chrome introduced the ability to log into multiple gmail accounts at once.

Meh. Sprint already let's me stream everything unlimited...

OJ Simpson AND the Rangers winning the Cup. No thanks, I'd much rather forget!

Apple TV has one thing the others can never have: iTunes. No advancement by a Kindle/Android/Roku box can ever provide the one feature I really use Apple TV for. I'd like to see new Apple TV advances, but if it stays just the way it is now, I'll still be really happy with it.

I understand my arguments may have been difficult for you to follow due to your language issues or room temperature IQ. Perhaps you might try trolling the Huffington Post? It's probably a little more to your level.

Ok, Ok, I get it. Thanks to social media 98.9% of book buyers will have no idea this fight is even going on.

Maybe if we were talking about several million paper cuts... Realistically, 99% or more people who are shopping for books have no idea this fight is even going on. Also, we don't all live in Greenwich Village. For the rest of the country there hasn't been an independent bookstore since 1995.

Yep, good luck with that. It may make you feel better, just like driving a Prius, but it won't affect Amazon's bottom line in any way.

I get all my books from iBooks. I much prefer the iBooks interface for reading over the Kindle one.