
I love these urban weenies who want us all on trains, busses, or bikes. I have a 60 mile commute across the desert to work every day. Exactly zero miles of that is served by mass transit. I have to wonder about these no-car people. The great Frank Herbert once opined in the second or third of his Dune series that

Yes, I drive down my street and drift right into my driveway at a full 75 mph! Its wicked awesome! Moron.

All lowering speed limits will accomplish is an increase in traffic citation revenues. Thank God I moved West twenty years ago. 75 is a pretty comfortable speed.

Ok, can we finally get rid of those hand sanitizer dispensers everywhere now too?

Clearly, passwords just aren't strong enough. They should all be like what my bank requires. Exactly 9 characters with one number, one capital letter, one emoticon, and you cannot use any numbers that also appear in your birthdate, social security number, or pi.

Ok, maybe, but I was trying to convey just how awesome this kit is!

We've had Anki Drive for a couple of weeks now, and it is still as much fun as the first time we took it out of the box. My whole family enjoys it. I'm trying to get to level up my car (Bosun) enough to compete with my 13 year old son who has spent more time playing AI matches and gaining points (and upgrading his

Seriously? They were going for cute and clever. We can debate how far they may be off the mark, but their intent is clearly there. You were just too pissed over your lousy service to see it.

Notice how everyone from Comcast to Verizon says "don't worry about data caps, neither you nor anyone you have ever met will ever exceed them." Well, if that's really the case, why have them? Fortunately, Sprint and Charter don't cap me, and I sure hope it stays that way! I may never exceed whatever cap these ISPs

I know it isn't polite to mock someone's religious beliefs, but you guys really descend into the absurd. Don't worry, when the seas are coming to get you, just drink the Kool Aid and the mothership will pick you up.

You were half right. The Isles don't over count hits, but their puck possession is awful below the first line (Martin plays on the third line, and number two hitter Clutterbuck moves between the second and fourth lines at Capuano's whim.)

Nice of you to decide that a city of half a million people isn't a real city. Maybe, while we're at it, we can just turn Chicago over to the gangsters and let the rats have NYC?

Uh oh, touched a nerve there? Gizmodo is covered with political content daily. This is just the first one to go the other way. Try finding a day on Gizmodo where the Arctic isn't about to disappear...

Here come the trolls...

I never got the fingernails on chalkboard thing. Doesn't bother me at all.

Does the dashboard mount actually stay stuck, or does it do what every other dashboard mount does (fall off with your phone in it at the first bump in the road)?

Yet another reason I'm so glad I moved out of that hellhole. I remember being suspicious of any empty parking spot. I mean, it must be empty for a reason, right? You get out, look all around for the hidden signs or markings, then leave hoping you car will still be there when you get back. Much more sane in Nevada!

Why bother with any of this stuff? All you have to do is create a computer model and call your results "settled science." Then, if someone points out your flaws, refer to him as an "anti-science Flat Earther." Collect grant money, repeat...

Attention Trolls: 3...2..1.. Commence Sprint Bashing.

But that's the plan. Artificially increase the price of energy until pixie dust becomes a viable alternative.