
Initially, I had to switch FROM Safari to Chrome with iOS7 because Safari became completely unusably slow. I couldn't even enter Google's two step verification codes before they expired! It was happening on both my iPad and iPhone, but not on my sons' or wife's devices. I then discovered that the culprit was Safari

Is doesn't help that that one political party has nearly every media outlet on its side, so the anti-science viewpoint (such as treating skeptics as heretics) gets wide dissemination, while the more scientific viewpoint has to be actively sought-out.

What's this about metered data plans? You have limits on how much data you can use in a month? This is a weird concept. As a long time Sprint user, I've never heard of such madness! Why do you put up with it? ��

Same thing in New Jersey. It freaks them out when I fly into Philly then drive to Jersey and forget the stupid nanny-state job protection rule. I hop out and start pumping before I remember. They get really angry, like I jumped into some big road-crew equipment and started diggin!

I'll take Mission Space any day, that ride is amazing! As for rides that were neglected to death, the worst casualty had to be Star Trek:The Experience in Vegas. That was awesome! Unfortunately, it too is gone for good. I'm glad our family got to go there several times while it was running.

Aside from the morality of this, it just doesn't work. Look at the UK where nearly everything is on camera. At first, crime dropped because circumstances changed. Not long after (less than three years) the crime rate went right back to where it was. Why? Well, first, people just got used to the cameras and went back

"Samsung" is Korean for "me too," right?

I like everything except for the fact that they broke Safari. It is unusably slow on both my iPhone 4S and iPad Retina. Nothing else has slowed down but Safari. It is so bad that I cannot log into Google services. I have two step authentication, and in the time it takes me to enter six digits in Safari, the code

Does this mean they'll all be disappearing from Netflix?

You mention Windows 8 here, and it will probably be quite a bit like that. Many people hated Windows 8 immediately because it looked different and made them feel weird and uncomfortable as a result. They never gave it a chance, but had they done so, they would come to realize that Windows 8 really is better by far

Casio Pathfinder with titanium band for me. I need the digital with all sorts of countdown functions for my jobs. As a teacher, I need to know the exact time for classroom management. Five minute increments isn't good enough. As a lacrosse coach, I need to time drills, scrimmages, penalties during scrimmages, and to

I would love to have the option for Airplay to keep iPhone/iPad awake while playing. I know that's an iOS feature, not an AppleTV one, but it is a PITA to have to hold the iPhone and tap the screen every two minutes to keep it awake during playback. I can't imagine watching a movie that way. Of course, if there

Should be fun to figure out quickly, then I can HELP MY KIDS AND STUDENTS with it. Good thing we "olds" are around to teach you young'uns how to use you iphones!

The big feature I'm waiting on is the webOS cards interface. I was a dedicated webOS user before HP shafted us, and I can't wait to get the cards back!

This wins for stupid article of the day (not this article, but the one you're quoting). There are lots of reasons not to pick LA for your industry, but "sprawl"? Welcome to "That 70's Argument."

Love the sarcasm in your comment, but I wonder how many others will get it. Still laughing, though!

Just because something is debunked doesn't mean people will stop writing about it (or others believing what they read/see). Dan Brown's latest novel is based on the old Malthusian trope of yore. That just came out a couple of months ago. It was an unintentionally humorous read, though. Nevertheless, I think it's the

I couldn't agree more. I would love to leave iTunes open all the time on the PC so it can serve my media to my Apple TV, but after a few hours the computer will grind to a halt with iTunes running. This is on a i5 Windows 8 machine that is pretty clean, very little software on it other than iTunes and DirecTV2PC and

P. T. Barnum would be so proud right now!

Oh, look. Someone has ripped off a year's worth of Scott Adams' blogs. Welcome to the party, fashionably late.