
Throw a punch: Handled internally.

You’re right. But, secondary to actually winning the award, I think the recognition is still really significant. It would be pretty cool to see a service academy represented in New York at the trophy presentation, and it’s hard to say when that opportunity may come around again. I have no idea how the Heisman Trust

Since the military has to pay the NFL for the fellatio, does that make it prostitution?

Hell, Riley Cooper barely plays in the NFL!

Don’t underestimate a hobbit’s sex tape... Hell, it put Kim Kardashian on the map.

It’s funny you mention Foxworthy. I heard a commercial on the radio today for his tour with Larry the Cable Guy, and while it looks like they are playing some larger venues — mostly in their demo states where they are only making 1 stop — you know the ones, it seems like they are hitting some smaller markets and

I think you’re spot on regarding how fickle an comic’s income can be. I’m certainly not an expert, but I think that a lot of people correlate a comedian’s visibility directly with their income. Which, to an extent is true, the more plates you have spinning and the more eyes on you, I’m sure, equates to more financial

That’s a very wise observation

The injury truthers have been out en masse lately. They were all over Anton Grady (Wichita State) for apparently not being appropriately knocked unconscious. He was thereby deemed a flopper who left the sports medicine staff of both schools as well as the medics no other choice but to treat his ‘injury’ as a CxSpine

Ridiculous athleticism and body control...

Well, apparently the motion offense isn’t one of them...

If they’re an NCCAA school (NCAA plus a C for Christian), they’re accredited as a bible college. Which is odd because you’d think God would’ve nudged in at least one of those 29 field goal attempts.

He’s coming soon to a bad NFL team near you!

I heard him say “The Dark Tenor” the second time around, too. Funny though, he never mentioned Criss Angel once.

“We...” — Don’t be that guy.

I was really hoping to see Navy make it to the AAC championship game, it’s cool to see a Service Academy ranked in the top 25. Keenan Reynolds has had an amazing career.

I don’t know about Deadspin, but I think you’ll be seeing quite a bit more of your alma mater in the college football discussion. PJ Fleck has done an amazing job getting his team to buy in to his philosophy and hopefully he’ll be around for a bit before getting poached by a larger school. I have no affiliation with

Do those updates and the diagnosis of a spinal concussion reinforce your original diagnosis, or nah?

I think I saw something similar. It looks like maybe he got that ‘button’ shot on the side of his jaw/head — a similar blow to what puts a lot of boxers down. It rapidly tilts the head in such a way that the spinal cord gets pinched or tweaked causing loss of consciousness. They’re reporting a spinal concussion which

I knew Anton when he was playing for Cleveland State, before his transfer 2 years ago. He’s could light up a room with his personality and his smile and laugh were infectious. He’s a hard worker and the kind of guy that coaches love to coach. He was a Cleveland kid (from Central Catholic), and while a lot of people