
Why are punters and backup quarterbacks the guys who get stuck being the holder for field goal kickers?

Literally was saying that to myself in my head as I scrolled to your comment. Great (and immature) minds think alike...

This picture never fails to fascinate me. That’s a whole lotta hurt.

I actually came here to say something similar. I didn’t see it live, but, in my experience, this penalty usually gets called after a player or coach brings it to the attention to the official. Especially in the NFL, you’re not going to get flagged for this the first time you do it. It’s only when a guy makes a habit

For all NFL games, the center or both guards are mic’d to provide the ‘ambient grunts’ during play. Traditionally, it was only the center who wore the microphone in his pads, but a few years ago there was a rule change that gave teams the option to mic both guards instead. In the event that both guards are mic’d, only

The prevent defense is the ‘pulling out’ of defenses... It seems to make perfect sense in the moment, but you really can’t be that surprised when it doesn’t work.

I’d have to watch the tape again to really see how the play calling changed throughout the game. But, considering the Elliot spent a few days in the hospital this week with a leg infection that kept him from walking, I don’t know why he would have expected a full load of carries.

But if West Virginia was a hot dog, would it be a sandwich?

After the game, Mike Leach assured fans and reporters that Falk was in good hands, saying that Pullman, WA has some of the best closets in the country.

This is a quality joke that will get lost amongst the 50 people who were just clever enough to type “ugh, hipster” and click Publish.

Harm to table.

Well, his arm is practically wrapped around it now.

Definitely NSFUR (Not Safe for Ulna and Radius).

But if it happened on the road, where would be the best and worst city for that to happen?

That’s perfect for me!! As a Cleveland sports fan all I know is disappointment!! Hell, one of the best websites covering Cleveland sports is called Waiting For Next Year! It honestly seems like a perfect match... You, sir, are quickly turning me into an Arsenal fan.

I swear, every league has to have ‘that’ team. As a Cleveland sports fan, I can appreciate their pain (except for the whole ‘should always challenge for 1st part’) — the shooting of oneself in the foot, though... we got that part down pat.

I just went back and read it in my best (read: terrible) George W voice and it was splendid (except for, you know, my impression of his voice).

(If it’s worth explaining... Could you explain this to me?)

This is why I keep coming back. Absolutely spectacular.

What a guy, Greg Bruns... What a guy!