
Refinancing does cost a bit, but you also miss two mortgage payments during the transition. We bought our house last year, 3.5 30 yr. Refi’d last week to 2.5, 15 yr. It does result in a slightly higher mortgage payment, but half the time. I wondered what would happen if I made the larger payment on the 30 year

I give my kids an allowance so that they get an understanding of money. Of course my kids do chores, but not for money.

Can I jump in here? Reading this list, reading about failed sequels and squandered talent, and one movie immediately popped into my head. Wild Wild West. Oh my god. You have Will Smith, Kevin Kline, and Kenneth Branagh...three incredibly talented people! You make Kevin Kline completely wooden and forgettable. You take

So many tweets...will someone please find this man a job?

I’ve got three little girls.  Several years ago I came across Grumpy Cat’s Christmas, 99 cents to own it on Amazon.  The girls LOVED it.  It has become a Christmas tradition for them in the way that A Christmas Story was for me, something you watch every year.

Regarding this Otto Warmbier debacle, it’s a disaster either way, right? If Trump paid two million for Warmbier, he’s negotiating for a hostage. If he promised to pay then didn’t, then he’s acted in bad faith and tarnished our reputation.

I have 3 young girls, and last year I enrolled them into tae kwon do. There are a few positives I’d like to point out.

For me it’s not the social apps, but rather the news. I would jump to about 6 different news sites to read the same stories from different perspectives, and it was just making me anxious.  For the past two weeks I haven’t opened up a news site and I feel better for it.

Honestly, the Smurf figurines.  There were so many of them.  I have one left, but they were so much fun to collect.

In Unbreakable, I came away from it feeling David Dunn doesn’t actually die when in water, but rather he shuts down.  It’s just something his body can’t fight against.  But I didn’t come away thinking the water kills him.

I recently restarted cardio a few months ago and heard talk of, well....a garbage hr zone. I would exercise at a certain hr, but not see improvement over time. As explained to me, exercise should be easier, otherwise you fail to get improved results. The exception is something like intervals, where you are at your low

I recently restarted cardio a few months ago and heard talk of, well....a garbage hr zone. I would exercise at a certain hr, but not see improvement over time. As explained to me, exercise should be easier, otherwise you fail to get improved results. The exception is something like intervals, where you are at your low

I have three girls. Here are my recommendations.

We do the pillow on the door, super easy and necessary as we have all our kids sleeping in the same room.

As a parent of 3 kids, gaming has definitely taken a back seat. The problem with finishing any long game for me is...forgetfulness. I’ll get into a game, play it for a few weeks at an hour at a time after kids go to bed, then life happens and I’ll get distracted from gaming. Maybe a tv series needs watching, maybe a

Biden and Beto.  Or...Beto and Biden.

Only if Eli Manning can be Flash.

I had my kids write to their favorite author.  She wrote back with a lovely card, personal response, and even a quick little sketch in the corner.  It was awesome.

God help me, I couldn’t stop the giggles.

My kids call them magic eggs: one slice of american cheese for every 2 eggs.  The cheese melts into the eggs as you cook them.  Salty deliciousness.