
The Resistance is pretty much the dozen people on this ship.

Finished this book last night. It’s like looking into a funhouse mirror. Everythings kind of warped and wobbly. Is this because of Woodwards opinions sneaking in, or because the sources are all Conservative and this is how they see the world? There’s a lot of Obama fucked everything up. Tax cuts are desperately

He just called CNN an enemy of the People. I honest to God don’t know how prople can read that and continue to support him, or any Republican supportive of him.

I don’t even see that as an option. My account still says annual pass. Was it an email link or an option on the app?

Yes, you’re probably right about the carb loaded with sugars thing. To be honest I stay away from sweeteners too. Sugar free desserts seem to bring out the junkie in me too.

Too much of an extreme is rarely beneficial, and very difficult to maintain. I do have to limit carbs, because when I don’t my carb cravings go through the roof. Carbs are so easy to eat. But if I restrict my carb intake no bread rice pasta sweets i feel great and my blood tests reflect that. Fats and protein do

I would hire dentists to work in high need areas and fight to merge health and dental coverage. I would also open a restaurant chain with a griddle in the middle of the table where you cook your own pancakes. Just to see if people would do it.


What makes it odd is that the White House is basically a giant hamster cage. If someone goes missing of course people are going to ask hey...where’s the effing hamster?

When Trump starts talking NFL, patriotism, National Anthem, I want people to stand up and shout “bone spurs!”. Booing isn’t effective, directly questioning his patriotism is.

My cat has the uncanny ability to wait until I’ve put the kids to bed, then she starts biting my feet. Self taught!

He’s a casino guy. All he knows is bouncers and bribes.

Waiting for Betsy DeVos to chime in: if we close all the schools there would be no school shootings.

Is “come and take it” an actual invitation? Because that might be a fun new game.

My friends parents did this when I was a kid, calling each other Mother and Father. It made me do the dog head tilt when you hear a strange noise. It’s role playing, I guess? But shouldn’t they be Husband and Wife, and then the kids would refer to them as Mother/Father?

A perfect example of how numb Americans have gotten to Trump. With no authority these two walked in and took a patients medical records. Was there a warrant? Was it just a copy? Did these people see other people’s medical records?

I was a big fan of the airport scene, trying to bring down the radar tower. The monster truck slo mo crash was also delightful.

I laughed so much at that movie. But that ending....oof.

Youse other countries, youse got some nice things. Shame to see something happen to them (tips small country off shelf).

Gaming can be an addiction. If he’s aware there’s a problem and he’s choosing gaming over you, then it’s time to leave. If gaming were replaced with goes out to bar every night with his friends, does that make it any clearer? It’s the same thing.