
Why is Ryan popping pills in the middle is this speech? Is he stepping down because of the opioids?

Happily married, clicked on this anyway.

That’s interesting because a lot of what I’ve seen are women and children. And makes little sense, if these rampaging rapists are so successful South of the border, why come North?

I mean heading into the fall elections.

It’s not whether Trump cares, he’s campaigning off this message and somehow it resonates with people. THAT is what is so incredibly disturbing to me.

If women are getting raped and murdered in other countries, isn’t that exactly the reason they’re coming here for amnesty? Why is his solution for them to go home? Do people cheer when Trump says women are getting raped and murdered trying to get here,and then cheer more when he says he’s turning them away and

No Waffle House for him.

Bet you these Trump rants actually help increase WaPo’s subscriber count. (4 dollars a month if you’re a Prime customer).

Recently started Skyrim and so hard for me to read! The worst was last night when I found a bloodstained note. Already hard to read, covered in blood droplets. Why can’t I zoom in?!?

Saying it was so clear he was going to win made me Hillary PTSD flashback. Please vote.

Or...sometimes you end up getting the crappiest person. Vote for who you want to win.

We opted for not cutting the cord for a few minutes after. I’d rather the baby gets everything they can before being evicted.

Amazon Prome members can get WaPo online for 4 dollars a month. Money well spent, say I.

I just bought one. There are three different ones available, but only one version is the 39.99.

I just bought one. There are three different ones available, but only one version is the 39.99.

Great headline. I de-wed. I totally snorted.

I think Knives comes out on top in that movie. Scott is her first crush, she is totally head over heels. She learns to stand up for herself, is given the chance to continue to date Scott, and declines...and rightfully so.

Wasn’t meant as a joke. My brother got his refund stolen like this. Someone filed his return, took standard deduction, got the refund. The other suggestion is to file early, so you’re in before they are.

Don’t get a refund at all. Leave a little on the table to pay to IRS. That way if someone does try to steal your refund, there’s no refund to steal.

Thank you for knowing what you’re talking about. Republicans have guaranteed I will never vote for them because of Gorsuch and dropping the vote to 50. They’ve politicized the Supreme Court and I find that so incredibly vile.

I have always been of the opinion that America, as the wealthiest nation, should of course buy finite resources from other countries, and save ours for when we need it.