
Don’t watch. The one thing Trump craves is attention. Not approval, attention. Buy a newspaper tomorrow instead.

Soup. Oprah soup. I saw a commercial.

Cryin’ Chuck Schumer? You know what, fuck this guy. Shut it all down until our President reaches the conclusion that he represents the country as a whole.

And I really like Beto. Ideally I would love to see her run for Governor.

Running for Ted Cruz’s seat? Governor Abbott? Kicking it on a beach? Whichever she chooses, I wish her success.

Rats and wolves. 10,000 rats will swarm and eat mostly everything, especially dude with gun. For animals that may start eating them...first good luck 10,000 rats that’s a meal. Second once they’re full of rat they’ll be slow, wolves will easily hamstring the well fed survivors.

Can I say it? I like what the Democrats have done here. Keep in mind they are not in power, there’s only so much they can do. So what did they accomplish? They got a shorter timeline for negotiations, which puts pressure on the Republicans. They funded CHIP, so that’s off the table. And they extracted a promise

Hell yeah! Let’s vote out all the Democrats that voted for CHIP! Brilliant! That’s how we’ll get Democrats back into voting out half of them!

I came to this country when I was less than a year old. And I was a permanent resident for about 20 years. When I did get my citizenship, my family asked me why I bothered. This is why. This, and I really enjoy voting.

Them’s fighting words!

Dfw wins over Austin. More affordable, more places to build, international airport, Six Flags, Perot Museum, two zoos, Cowboys Stars Mavericks Rangers, Texas State Fair, and fewer politicians.



I’m just looking into 529 plans, just as with retirement I am late to the game. But my plan is I’m getting a raise. The extra money i’m Earning will be split three ways, and that is what’s going into the 529 plans. Vanguard has a 529 Plan. How much will I end up saving? Certainly more than I had when I went to

I think you can use 529 plans for trade school. You can also change the beneficiary to another child, or even hold it for grandchildren.

Intelligence briefing but he doesn’t listen to them. Maybe they can run an ad on Fox News.

I love that media is running ‘shithole’ in their headlines. That way people see it even if they don’t read the articles.

Yes, let the arm hang, relaxed. When you lay it out on a table or counter the shoulder tenses up.

As an added wrinkle, there’s a shortage of saline bags. They’re made in Puerto Rico. Thanks, President Tang!

My whole family gets the flu shot. This year my 10 year old daughter caught the flu. It was a week of bed to couch, with us following her with Lysol wipes. Thankfully she was the only one in the house to catch it.