
I can’t honestly say. It was a quick bite, just a warning really. Not like fangs sinking in or anything.

I was bitten by a lemur once. True story. When I was a kid my family knew these guys who were artists, and they liked to have exotic plants and animals. They let me into the cage with pieces of bananas in my hands. Anyway, one little bastard immediately leaped to a branch next to my shoulder and nipped the back of

Anyone remember No Way Out? I want to see JL play this and not be the hero everyone thinks she’s going to be.

Does kicking out Salvadorans with jobs help or hurt unemployment number? And don’t these people have US citizen kids now? Are we sending US citizens away now?

I’ve used this over Turbotax the last four years, fourteen bucks to do your taxes. Easy peasy.

I’ve used this over Turbotax the last four years, fourteen bucks to do your taxes. Easy peasy.

“Steve was a staffer”

I believe paygo was waived in the budget exentsion legislation. So it will not kick in until 2019, after mid term elections.

Must you put Fuck in the headlines? Is it really that necessary to be edgy?

Finally, Alabama gets to be first in something.

fingers crossed.

Something to consider about your local library. Bedbugs. As a family it is not unusual for us to check out upwards of 30 books. So a few weeks ago we go to the checkout counter, and our account has been suspended. Apparently they found a dead bedbug in one of our returns.

And do you like it?

And do you like it?

This is marriage. Here you have a splendid husband, gets a raise and a promotion, feels good about himself. Splurges on something he sees as extravagant and practical, and his loving spouse craps all over him.

Oh, with a Bed Bath & Beyond coupon you can really bring down the price of your incredibly inappropriate gift.

...uh huh. And maybe federal employees and military personnel should not be allowed to vote, because bias. Right? And I bet Judges have personal opinions too! And hey! Yeah, you, guy selling me a donut...are you thinking personal opinions while grabbing my donut? That sucks, gtfo of America!

I’m concerned Moore might shoot his horse.

Worse, because you’d never get paid. “Heck, let’s make it ten million!”

From HuffPost:

For just a moment I thought this was going to work with actum war rig, and I almost cackled. But I held it in, discovered it does not, and maintained my position on the edge of the non-cackling, sane, mature, responsible adults.

You, take a memo. You, mail these letters. You, have my baby.