“However, I do think it is at least disingenuous and at most stupid to criticize comedians for making jokes when we know it’s a joke.”
“However, I do think it is at least disingenuous and at most stupid to criticize comedians for making jokes when we know it’s a joke.”
The consistently bad takes from this usually brilliant author on the subject of sexual assault are such a damn bummer.
You are doing exactly what you’re railing against. I’m sick-and-goddamn-tired of seeing some black people psyche themselves worryin’ about what some other mothefucker is thinking. People - black, white and otherwise - are rightfully speaking out against a bad, unfunny joke that’s actually more than just a bad, unfunny…
Saying you will work with a rapist is condoning rape.
Has the good Police Chief ever had the opportunity to browse some Police officer forums? I have had the privilege, and let me tell you, that this shirt is absolutely tame compared to the things that commonly grace those sites.
What coincidence? Do you honestly think that her comments wouldn’t have attracted attention in a vacuum? It hits several buttons that are sure to attract attention. It’s not like the Root didn’t do a story about this two days ago.
We have to look beyond the surface and look at motives. WHY NOW????
Rick Ross wasn’t the only powerful black man behaving badly this week.
It’s now my dream to give a speech like Trump’s to a police force and then stop and go, “that was a test! You’re not supposed to cheer! Jesus, what’s wrong with you?”
Will someone please press the ‘send’ button on that last tweet?
Nope. We won’t be treated to that event — he’ll drop dead, alone, mid-tweet, on the crapper.
A good reminder that one of the hallmarks of white privilege is assuming anyone arrested deserves it.
Yeah, that comment put me off as well. Her clarification isn’t helping her at all.
Nobody can do anything to me that I don’t allow.
hmmm, “Nobody can do anything to me that I don’t allow.” is how she “apologizes” to rape victims? implying that they weren’t acted upon violently, but that they “allowed” it to happen? ugh I so hate this attitude. not helpful. and no, just because you are “making a joke”, does not make it OK to say any and everything…
“Nobody can do anything to me that I don’t allow”
When cops sends its people, they’re not sending their best. ... They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.
I get that she comes from that style of comedy—but to hear a woman say they would drink the juice and not let anything happen they wouldn’t allow.....it’s kind of beyond trying to push a joke. It makes people who have suffered through something really horrific feel bad.
I’m not sure she gets the point?
Therein lies her dilemma: Her girl-from-around-the-way attitude is the reason she has been given the spotlight. Now that all of the lights are trained on her, should she be forced to suppress the very thing that elevated her to this position?