Yes. Yet the Facebook TL is
Yes. Yet the Facebook TL is
Thank you! I truly believe that a win here would give us the confidence we need to start making long overdue advances in other areas of society....
And my reaction to people acting like McCain is a hero is like
We’re comfortably ahead, but in case there is a large bloc of undecided voters, check out this new study:
“That’s a real nice Fourth Estate you got there. Be a shame if somethin’ happened to it.”
This guy reminds me of a second rate villain you’d see in a Die Hard ripoff at 2am on basic cable.
I feel this is unfair to the honey badger, which is both adorable and has the toughness to back up its “don’t care” attitude. Nothing can replace the honey badger.
The same people that tell Native Americans to “get over it” and remind them that they lost are often the same ones who fly a confederate flag and complain about erasing history.
White Allies are celebrating John McCain this morning so yall better wake the fuck up and vote for this shit.
Hillary Clinton might just manage to win an election here!
As Senate Republicans huddle in a Capitol-building closet and deliberate on how to strip people of their health care…
Lord. White-womaning act like the kid who didn’t want or notice a toy until some other kid started playing with it.
Here is the logical analogy:
That comment was repulsive. It doesn’t matter if you believe that he committed the crimes or not. Implying that he has done, and would do it, but somehow it would still be “worth it” is disgusting and disrespectful to victims of sexual assault.
Was her only personal motivation literally just “I hate black people?” Like, this wasn’t to cover up a pregnancy or a secret black boyfriend or something? Because those would be still pretty fucked up explanations, but to concoct this whole wild drama and beat yourself up to burst half-naked into a church just to fuck…
I have no idea what foster care is like or what Tiffany experienced. I can’t even pretend to imagine.
It’s really not.
For real. Fuck her for saying “i’ll drink the juice. I’ll take a nap.” That shit isnt funny