body double
body double
Only if you email the letters over wifi.
That’s actually true, though. Happened to my cousin.
No, she doesn’t believe that! God!
Victims in these cases usually don’t come forward. And are often homeschooled so they aren’t getting mandated reporters alerted to their situation. But if they arouse suspicions the police can investigate and get probable cause for a search warrant concerning polygamy. They don’t need a victim to come to them first.…
Well, that's at the discretion of the judge, which is a scary prospect all its own.
I think this should be the policy of the Trump campaign in general. All future pressers and debates shall be done by Donald in a leotard doing interpretive dance.
I would honestly enjoy watching interpretive dance intelligence briefings. And since we can apparently bring friends along, how about some intelligence briefing hangman with snacktime?
You did a pretty terrible job of giving up on Kotaku.
Everyone agrees that Gary Johnson, who is pretending to be an actual candidate for the presidency under the banner…
Aw, look at our parents. By January of next year, the Obamas will be out of the White House, Malia Obama will be…
If you ever learned about the Roman Empire in history class, the barbarian Goths’ sack of Rome in 410 was probably…
So Trump should be holding a baby at his next rally, so his hands will look yuuuge!
When I become president we will go back to the good days, the burning days, the days of smoke and ash and fire. The days when our fingertips were never more than a few inches from a burning tube of go juice. Gone will be this plastic, antiseptic existence. With a furious bellow screamed from the top of Mt. America…
Does cat burglery count?
Che Guevara looks good in a beret, and Eldridge Cleaver had his moments, but today let us all take a moment to honor…