
Hi, are we married? Because those words have literally come out of my husband’s mouth.

I think the sentence was legal, but horribly lenient. But I also believe that the only possible result of this recall succeeding is that thousands of minority defendants will get far harsher sentences because the judge is terrified that each case will be the one to cause an Internet uproar and lead to a recall effort.

Thank you for pointing this out. People don’t appreciate the value of judicial independence. We don’t want judges fearful of public opinion when making a decision. We want them to evaluate the facts and the law as it applies to the case before them. People don’t like the result here, but Persky was not acting outside

Sure. You have to look at how we’ve changed how we’ve defined rape over the years, as well as how we’ve changed how much we care about it.

To elaborate, a photo of her enjoying herself at a party is just as probative (and I think “probative” is the word you meant instead of “dispositive”) as to whether she suffered PTSD as a photo of a mother smiling while pushing her children on a swing. Which is to say, hardly probative at all. No sane lawyer would try

I want you to record this . . .

It really doesn’t matter, the problem with selective empathy for rich white defendants is a systemic one, and society’s attempts to personalize it by making it all about Persky have already gone a long way to making sure most of the public sentiment that was mobilized won’t be going to address the root problems.

Thanks, this is a good explanation of the possible tax implications which depend a lot on how the settlement agreement was structured.

Short form for people who don’t like links:
If he gave the money to her directly:
......and it is considered a divorce settlement, it is not income. She can give the whole amount to

I loved that quote. If the GAs at my university walked out, the university would grind to a fucking halt. Granted, as a TA you do get something—an advanced degree—out of the deal. But that’s no guarantee once you’re on the job market. You are more likely to end up with a very expensive piece of paper than with a job.

I am proudest of being followed by A Dog.

She’s gonna ‘teach’ these Republicans a lesson. Amirite??? Get it? Like her name?

“Interesting how the stance of every employer fighting unionization seems to be “they only want it because they don’t realize how bad it will be for them.” — Similar to those laws that are there to protect women from themselves.

the University doesn’t actually need its teaching assistants very much.

Right, but you actually do remove the spiders from your cupboard, as an adult in the real world. You don’t just regard being bitten constantly by spiders as the way of the world like some ineffectual fatalist. Universities should try to be better and more fair than the worst of society, not defer to the lowest common

That should include preparation to deal with situations you are uncomfortable with. Sexual/workplace harassment and bullying, etc. It does occur and people who “adult” properly will be able to handle it.

Dawkins fanboys have been doing that for a while.

Man, I’d hate to think what they’re doing in the town of Mean.

It’s traumatic to be out late with your friends in a foreign country - with a language barrier - and have a stranger point a gun at your and demand money to let you leave