
I like to whisper ‘i can see you’ to city wearing camo guy just to freak him out...

I have a beloved T-shirt which is now falling apart sadly (I refuse to get rid of it) which is all in camo with the words YOU CAN’T SEE ME in big, white letters across it.

Yes, there are definitely some specific crimes that can’t be prosecuted if you’re too intoxicated to form the requisite intent. It’s called the “intoxication defense” and it applies only to crimes requiring what’s known as “specific intent” to do something.

i just deadlifted the earth’s crust off the fucking gooey magma mantle and i’m not supposed to put that on facebook?

Not sending people to prison for non-violent crimes is not that radical an idea, actually.

If that were the case, I would expect them to explain more clearly that what they’re talking about is a lack of distinctiveness as an original work of authorship. A good lawyer would usually want to hew close to that statutory language.

We get it, you went to law school.

I was in sin jail once. Helluva place to go... Full of masturbaters. The view of Hell is nice but you’ll want to bring your own towel.

Social media and #activism created these self-aggrandizing, holier-than-thou shits with delusions of Herzog.

Actually I would give her better than even odds to win on the First Amendment point, it’s not clear to me what exception this speech would fall under. It’s not a threat, or solicitation, or fraud, or obscenity. I guess it’s almost like incitement, but not really. Did you have specific precedents in mind? Or did you

Really? I feel like if her lawyer weren’t raising a First Amendment defense they’d be pretty incompetent. I mean, it’s arguably her best defense, maybe a close second after intervening cause.

That debate still puts a grin on my face every time I think about it. It’s rare that you get to see someone’s ass handed to them so mightily!

You can’t tell me adding “revenge” as a forth section after “eat, pray, love” wouldn't be compelling.

No kidding. Stranger things have happened. On that we can agree.

It gives me the warm fuzzies thinking about that debate.


Of course when we had a special election after Ted Kennedy died we ended up with Scott Brown. Special elections are weird.

Colbert is a gift to us all. Replace some of the less worthy with women.

I know! how the hell do you use a chainsaw and not get so much as a single piece of saw dust on you. I mean, Jesus Christ, could he not at least gotten his shirt a little dirty for stage dressing?