Don’t underestimate the power of Big Pointing. They have their fingers in everything.
Don’t underestimate the power of Big Pointing. They have their fingers in everything.
If you are thinking of executing a murder/suicide, just reverse the order. I promise it will still work.
Retired people are terrible at managing their money?
Why do you think retired people are terrible at managing money?
And retired people give to candidates at high rates across the board.
My takeaway — when I go into my parole hearing, I should bring cookies.
I don’t think there’s any amount of hangry that would make Sotomayor rule incorrectly on any of those issues, but we BETTER GODDAMN feed Kennedy.
this is applicable to my life. I get hangry soooo quickly. And my boss’s favorite time to chat is in the hour before lunch. It’s not ideal.
I’m sorry for how I ruled when I was hangry.
I mean, Sonia’s pretty consistent on those issues. Kennedy, on the other hand... If he’s had his lunch and someone has appealed to “human dignity” within earshot in the last hour, he’s probably ruling for the angels. Otherwise, who knows...
Interesting! I personally turn into a rage beast if I don’t get food.
I am sorry (did that do it for you, I have more) you had to endure such an ableist attack. I myself am a rage-dependent angerbetic and the lack of empathy from the public is shocking.
Unfortunately the GOP is determined to embrace the emptiness on behalf of the whole country.
On the other hand, an empty podium is vastly preferable to an actual Trump speech.
I deeply regret my casual disregard for your pain and suffering. It came from a place of deep ignorance but not hatred. I am sorry if my words offended you. I will try to be better in the future.
In that bleak future, Donald Trump is considered highly evolved.
Yeah it’s all the same bed, isn’t it.
Incidentally, “kid gloves”, also the name of the mittens from the children’s department that Donald Trump must buy to fit his tiny hands.
I would be surprised if the FHA claim goes forward since it only covers “dwellings” not short term stays. For the Title II claim, the applicable exemption is in 42 USC 2000a (b)(1).
Okay, it’s actually called the Mrs. Murphy Exemption. Very interested to see if AirBnB rentals fall under it.