I would totally bet that, except betting is illegal. Do you have some sort of quasi-legal non-gambling way I could put action on that?
I would totally bet that, except betting is illegal. Do you have some sort of quasi-legal non-gambling way I could put action on that?
Who wants to bet that employees weren’t playing on their OWN sites (and still do) using front players or that past-posting has not happened or maybe is still happening with line-ups being allowed in after the games have started?
The only thing about this that could be surprising would be if DK or FD didn’t use this obvious fact as an incentive to their employees. It’s a feature not a bug, as they say.
Because she’s crazy.
I don’t think it’s a question of whether or not there were any body fluids or floor sweepings on that fried egg, it’s just a question of how much.
ISIS has long caravans of all white Toyotas filled with dudes dressed in black and waving black flags and the US and the Coalition does not bomb them to smithereens.
All these things and the comments are why I only run if I’m being chased by grizzly bears.
Any time a player gets a gloved hand on the helmet it turns the runners head a little and the refs are flagging it for a facemask I’ve seen it in two other games this year and it’s garbage. Then to make up some shit about grabbing the helmet hole, which he didn’t, to cover your ass. It was the first in a string of…
Uh fucktard like it or not the union defends their membership. I think you happen to be the fucktard that cannot grasp that concept. For the union to have to defend that assholes right to play is one of the unfortunate side effects of membership. Like or not he is entitled to that as a union member, In no way do I…
Well since Ms. Nolan, being the big Patriots fan that she is, had no issue with The NFLPA for defending Tom Brady she can turn her anger towards them for Hardy’s suspension being reduced. He was suspended 10 games and on appeal, as is his right, had it reduced to four. I would also take Ms. Nolan’s outrage a little…
Not relevant to this story. Garbage comment.
I bet CC Sabathia was even more upset he missed the game when he heard that the stadium was full of boos.
You mean the ones that weren’t in bed with the four major pro sports leagues and getting bankrolled by Comcast, ESPN, etc.? And the ones that weren’t based in the US and paying taxes?
“Investment” implies an expected return. You are describing an expense.
This just in, daily fantasy response:
ESPN gets in bed with DraftKings.
I am sure both sides will agree on a fine that satisfies the return profile of the investors, and the need for the state to look like they are doing something.
DraftKings and FanDuel execs: Guys, we’ve figured out a great way to scam a bunch of schmucks out of their money using a gambling scheme that relies on their basest impulses, their love of sports, and their fundamental misunderstanding of statistics. And it’s likely illegal, but it’ll make us loads of money!
I thought Narcos took place in Brazil?
I fully expect the next shoe to drop being entries submitted AFTER games have started. A company so lax about security and game integrity would probably not be too diligent about stopping past-posting.