
I am not saying that 85% of employees/insiders have done what I described, just that they could have done it. As for how many, 85% also sounds about right because think of the office talk on Mondays:

Who wants to bet that employees weren’t playing on their OWN sites (and still do) using front players or that past-posting has not happened or maybe is still happening with line-ups being allowed in after the games have started?

Appears that with professionals playing at even the lowest levels and insiders using non-public information to clean up it is IMPOSSIBLE for a recreational player to be a regular winner and, short of dumb luck, to be any winner of any kind.

I hope so.

Because she’s crazy.

ISIS has long caravans of all white Toyotas filled with dudes dressed in black and waving black flags and the US and the Coalition does not bomb them to smithereens.

“ ... it’s not like our government has stopped doing mysterious, shady shit since the last one.”

Truth hurts, bitch.

Trump is a winner and a man’s man!

What I take from the story is that being good at a sport does not mean you are intelligent.

A country with a 20 TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT and growing would be well-served having someone who has had businesses go bankrupt 4 times and still be worth billions.

As long as they replace Mecca with a giant mushroom I am cool with this.


I fully expect the next shoe to drop being entries submitted AFTER games have started. A company so lax about security and game integrity would probably not be too diligent about stopping past-posting.

Unless you’re an NFL stooge, you love the Rouge.

Silva is one of the biggest PED abusers in the sport of all-time.

Not anymore. He’s dead and a corpse would not be allowed to argue in Court.

But playing poker online at home would corrupt your soul more than playing it in a casino. Think of the children ... and the kickbacks that have gone to Sentor Reid.

Or lotteries.

How many “friends” of execs/employees at each of the sites have been fed such info to help them win?