
“... probably some level of corruption mixed with incompetence...”

He’s Canadian. Is that bad enough?

I do recall Rowdy Roddy later hitting Snuka in the head with a coconut so at least there was some punishment administered for crimes as yet unpunished.

Because it is pronounced Chris Cunts

How do you not mention Che as a mythical figure that some think are cool, but he was really a horrible, violent racist asshole.

Waiting for the other shoe to drop in that her private server was hacked by Russians.

You would have to be a moron or on the take to want someone as openly corrupt and incompetent to have the power of the Presidency.

Where does Rose go to get his reputation back if this is a false claim?

How horny and stupid do you have to be to go back to the place again?

More likely Univision.

The worst reporter is obviously Jorge Ramos who did not disclose that his daughter works on the Hillary Clinton campaign.

The MORE ISLAMIC a country gets the LESS FREE it gets.

What’s your point. Obama was re-elected too.

I guess it beats the look of misery at the people at Hillary’s rally knowing she is a liar and an incompetent and that they will vote for her anyway because she has a vagina.

You would have to be on the take or brain-dead to view Hillary as trustworthy.

She looks over-the-hill by a few yards.

deBlasio is showing why Democrat rule of cities like Detroit, Cleveland, Buffalo, and now New York always end in disaster, misery and more crime: They suck at it.

Blacks murder other blacks AND whites at a rate more than 5 times their proportion of the population. The violence within their own ethnic group and the reason for it should be the focus of these groups if they want to make a real and immediate change.

They should have just used some of that magic soccer spray on his face.

Gonna be tough as Obama gave them arms initially in the fight against Assad in Syria. True.