
Creepy, sure. But on the other hand, it’s rather traditional for a disproportionate amount of not-so-secret power to rest with an elected official’s lover.

Donald Trump’s technical daughter Tiffany

Them: “Don’t care about your rights.”

I agree with the sentiment, but even if a faithless electors scenario happened, it would cause more problems than it solved.

So, the “Make Phillies Great Again” red hat wasn’t your first clue?

My commenting on Trump’s likely racist intentions doesn’t make my remark racist. I.e. I don’t see a problem or want them shipped off. He likely does and likely does.

[/dons tinfoil hat]

And that’s part of how Democrats lost the election.

Thank you. We’re getting into copy-of-a-copy-of-a-copy here.

Very derivative, in some cases.

Perhaps he’s hoping they can help us with all the Muslims we have living here.

Um. Why 21? HRC needs 270. She finished with 232. She needs 38.

What kind of vetting did you do to verify that these people are who they say they are, and work where they say they do?

We’re just starting the dawn of a post-fact era, and Trump is capable of existing in a quantum state whereby he has all possible positions on any given topic and can flip between them sometimes mid-sentence. (He doesn’t have a position on something, he has a superposition. Which to him probably sounds like the best

I had just (thought I had) finally buried the ‘faithless electors’ fantasy, but the more this is emphasized in the media the more I’m starting to return to it.

Ok I’m starting to put the faithless electors fantasy back on the table.

Uh, last I knew, Obama, his family and the current staff all kinda have to keep living here too after January 20. It makes sense to try to do whatever’s possible in the remaining time to have even an outside chance of dulling the impact the Orange Menace will have.

It’s kinda amusing that you think he’s going to stick to the typical schedule or habits of a president once he’s sworn in.

Oh whatever.

Remember that just under a quarter of the electorate did vote for him, and nearly half of eligible voters didn’t vote at all. It is statistically possible, even likely, that secret service agents are neutral-to-positive about him, in private. Don’t project your liberal fears onto them. (And I say that as someone who