is it about my cube

And then they had to go and ruin Wacky Deli.


Barb reads reviews and articles comparing this band the 1975 to bands beloved by many but especially by Barb, including Radiohead, the Beatles, Blur, the Rolling Stones, etc.

It’s been my oft-contested argument that Iron Man 2 is the only genuinely bad movie in the MCU. It’s not always easy to articulate why it doesn’t work - for some reason, the screwball comedy patter that worked so well in the first one comes off as abrasive and unpleasant in IM2, for example. The SHIELD stuff feels

I enjoyed this movie the first time I saw it and in a recent attempt to rewatch couldn’t get past the beginning. Scott Pilgrim’s always been a dipshit, but I couldn’t get past it this time, and I think it gets by on the verve and style that Wright provides. But since Tom comments on when in his life he saw it first, I

Jane’s the brooder, Fillion’s the smartass. Remember that and you’ll never go wrong.

Speaking from extremely personal experience, Scott is living the kind of life where bread is by far the healthiest thing he is putting into his body, so it therefore transitions into actual “health food” in his nutrition-deprived mind. It was a shock to me too.

The reference-heavyness is comparable, but it’s definitely a case where the “I know what that is!” references are the actual plot of RPO and the references are just aesthetics in Scott Pilgrim (or even metaphorical for how Scott refuses to grow up and continues to live in a world colored by video games)

I rewatched this semi recently and when Anna Kendrick’s date winds up hooking up with Wallace I laughed to myself - Bet that’s happened to her before. I've known a few theater majors.

I think they were thinking about how he looks, not how he sounds.

Sounds like you expected Unforgiven.

Great, great point about the music. I had forgotten just how badass those band scenes were, Wright and company (with Beck contributing a lot of songwriting) forsake boring “realism” to show the energy of what a great show feels like. ONE TWO THREE FOUR

“this potato-faced dink and his homina-homina act”

None of Tom’s criticisms are invalid; Michael Cera is definitely the wrong choice for Scott, Scott is fundamentally a feckless prick, etc. All of this was quite clear to me even when I first saw the movie, but I still went back to see it again at the cinema - never done that before or since. I don’t actually know what

Tom Jane is the crossfit version of Nathan Fillion.

You know what they say- Fool me once, strike one. Fool me twice...strike three.

Yeah but but but like a quarter of the RPO book is classic Dungeons and Dragons references.....I’ll admit I’ve lost this debate :(

There was a lot of negativity around this movie in the last comments section. Things seem more positive here but I’m not interested in debating or writing an essay about why I think this movie is good. What I will say is that this movie probably changed my life. Particularly with the Clash at Demonhead concert scene,

He's just got in his attic a painting of his house that gets messier and messier.