Can’t agree. Argument does not change the mind of any of these people.
Can’t agree. Argument does not change the mind of any of these people.
The footage was a legit work of art with a provable real world presence. QAnon is the febrile ravings of people who are weird and credulous even by the standard of most 45 supporters. Plus, if real, QAnon would’ve sunk themselves on the very first post by giving up the whole game to their targets, which is so dumb…
Why a spoon, QJ201?
Bjork, who will turn them into her new outfit and/or instruments.
On my list as well.
I read that couple years ago. As an American east coast Jew (albeit one several decades younger than Roth), I think he nailed a lot of social and cultural stuff.
You should be writing all the taglines.
Continuing on my attempt to clear out two boxes of unread books I’ve been carrying around for years. Currently I’m reading Pagan Kennedy’s Stripping And Other Stories. There’s nothing there I like as much as her novel The Exes, which I absolutely adore, but I dug the first story and the others have all at least been…
I hadn’t heard about this--what did he do?
That sweet Laurel Canyon cutting edge tech.
Pictured: Lotso a couple months after the end of Toy Story 3.
From what I’ve seen of Charmed, its creation went like this:
“That Buffy show has massive critical acclaim and a rabid fanbase. We should copy it, how hard can it be?”
. . .
both Hank and Dead have been accidentally murdered.
I’m rather curious about that myself. 25th Hour was the last movie of his that I saw, and I remember loving it. Then She Hate Me bombed (and based on the AVC’s review, it deserved to) and suddenly no one liked anything of his for at least a decade, to the extent that he started doing director for hire stuff like the Ol…
That is some uncanny valley shit right there.
Comment/Avatar synergy.
Saw the preview for Kin earlier, and if it’s done well, it could be really interesting. A big-brother-in-trouble with gangsters narrative but then also aliens isn’t exactly standard fare. Of course, it could be a jarring mess of mismatched parts.
Seeing it in the list dredged up a dim memory of a pay-per-view ad for PM IV in the ‘90s.
Thirded. I saw the movie poster a couple weeks ago and checked out the the trailer, and Jesus Christ does that look awful. A total waste of a good idea. Bets on how low it’ll score? Do you think it’ll be a C- “mildly amusing, competently made, not terribly funny” or a D/F “nothing but vulgarity” total disaster?
No, but Disney will make a t-shirt.