If a person’s boss does stupid shit like this, they are the ones that need to lose their jobs. What happened to “just ask what she needs and how you can help”?
If a person’s boss does stupid shit like this, they are the ones that need to lose their jobs. What happened to “just ask what she needs and how you can help”?
You can add lemon zest to it as well for lemon mint sugar. It’s very good in iced tea or sugar cookies.
You’re acting like Entourage is somehow above either of those two shows. But also you’re leaving off The Wire, Deadwood, and The Sopranos, which is enough to keep anyone busy.
He would probably have said:
YES! Honestly, can't we do a class action lawsuit against the insurance companies who illegally charged??!
I have noticed that A lot of times BC and the mammogram bills come about because of the codes they use. Sorry folks, it’s not an efficient system if you are using an inappropriate code to evade a law and deceptively charge me. I will hound every customer service rep you have and cc: everyone in HR until next year’s…
I am all about the Marshalls, TJ MAxx and Ross, but quality plus sized clothing at those stores are a TREASURE HUNT.
I had to unfollow her because none of the shit she wears even fits her chest. Someone send that woman to /r/abrathatfits. If she was turned on to the fact that none of these retailers make a top that fits large breasts appropriately, then she'd be even more incensed about the lack of stylish options for fat gals like…
I'm going to offer you a perspective that I do not yet see represented here. I hope you will not dismiss me in the way you have others who are calling you out on your parenting, um.... techniques. (e.g. "shut up with the drama"?)
THINK, man: your child looks to you for all sources of everything - love, food, shelter, self-esteem, etc.
Spanking - hitting of any kind - destroys that. It destroys you, in their eyes.
When you say it "sometimes works, sometimes doesn't," what you're really saying is that it sometimes makes your life easier. That's…
YES! My dad wasn't really a spanker (although he would in extreme circumstances) but what he lacked there, he made up for with sheer punishment ingenuity. He did everything from take doors off hinges, to make us do gardening work and help with projects around the house instead of hanging with friends in the summer.
There is no performance if there is no audience
I was just talking about discipline with our pediatrician.
That panda is a sadistic serial killer of the first degree.
So you're trading "smug atheist" for "militant [atheist]." Either way, you're still addressing straw-atheists. I think your point isn't obscured—it's just rubbish. Perhaps you should simply consider that you simply got it wrong.
Kinda seems like you're trying to anger the io9 readership with this one. Not sure why that is.
The author vastly misses the point. It isn't the atheist job to prove a negative. It isn't our job to prove that god doesn't exist. The religious are making a claim. A claim that has no evidence. A claim that can't be proven. Claim that something that there is no evidence for based on claims people are making…
I like Elementary and I won't apologize for it. Anyone who has a problem with something as innocuous as a television show, that brings another person happiness, is kind of a mean spirited person.
I'm going to come out and say it: I like Elementary better than BBC's Sherlock. I really liked the 1st series of Sherlock, but the 2nd series was just too deus ex machina-y for my tastes. The resolutions were just too ridiculously neat and tidy. And the character became inhuman. I love me my Cumberbatch and Bilbo, but…