
Being 100% straight dead to rights correct on everything will offend some people.

TLDR. Hey what’s the difference between a pro lifer like yourself and an uneducated backwater hillbilly?

Ok, feel free to go away now. I hear Breitbart is nice this time of year. Pretty much through with you and your pro life stance.

So are abortions though.

Not sure why all the pro lifers around here are replying to me. Feel free to go back to you Sunday School website.

Oh, I didn’t realize you were a staunch Catholic, probably from the South.

You do not seem to understand what a contradiction is. Regardless, thanks for the reply. Nice to know I’m not the only one who doesn’t view this as anything other than a pretty routine abortion.

Tough for me to get upset about this. This is basically just an abortion and I am for that, so... not sure what the issue is here.

2nd from the right


I thought feminists supported hookers and did not shame them?

And the US said there were WMD’s in Iraq and destroyed the entire country. Good comment though.

OLB, the least atheletic of the linebackers. I agree, agree totally.

It’s not a proxy war. The proxy war was before Russia stood up and said “We are coming to Assad’s defense, Iran is bringing ground troops, and we do not care what the American objective is in Syria.”

No shit hon. Putin said his goal was to preserve the Assad regime. And Obama just said “Well uh hey uh now you’d better not” and is now canceling his moderate opposition training program. He lost. Obama lost. Face it.

Both Iran and Russia have already called BS on that Obama propoganda.

Putin doesn’t have any free time but if he did he would be playing hockey, hunting, or fishing. Obama just galavants around with the ladies. He’s a very delicate kind of guy. Very academic and non-athletic.

Ya maybe if you cared to check multiple news outlets instead of just one you would know that ISIS is already on the ropes. Obama is getting embarrassed big time.

Funny how Putin has to finish the job that Obama couldn’t.

As a man, I couldn’t care less about any of this. I didn’t read the article and I didn’t read your comment. I’m replying to you because you were the first comment.