
Every REM song is the same.

Puck used to stick his fingers in the peanut butter and that always grossed out Pedro. Pedro confronted Puck and Puck murdered him. That’s how I remember it.

I thought that was Pedro Zemora?

Could have been. All I know is that Mike was a bald man who wore sweaters.

You know how I know you’re a millenial?

Your comment reminds me of that hit REM song that topped the charts for so, so long. It was called “It’s The End of The World As We Know It, And I Feel Fine.” In the music video Mike Stipe got out of his car during a traffic jam and just starting walking around like a complete fool, crying about the end of the world

Penis envy.

And white people like Chinese women. Go figure.

Man made global warming starts in China and ends in Obama’s trousers. What a joke.