
Time for some phone calls, kids! We’ve still got an hour or so to give our Senators hell about this motion to proceed vote, which is scheduled for about 2:15pm Eastern time. If you’ve got a Republican senator, call them until you can only get a busy signal. If not, you can use this Indivisible phone bank tool to call

I think the current Pope would object to repealing the ACA. I was raised Catholic (emphasis on past tense) and have a lot of beefs with the church. Pope Francis is not one of those beefs. He actually gives a shit about people.

Did you see Senator Cory Fucking Gardner’s statements about train noise? Most of the Front Range has been giving him hell about healthcare for the last two weeks, and he decides to do his most recent facebook etc. photo op post about this train bullshit.

Can you also call Senator Cory Gardner’s office for his schedule? CO citizens and activists have been having a hell of a time getting it. And he was one of the 13 Senators involved the initial discussion of the bill.

Plus, one of the things in the Senate bill is to remove the mandate that employers with >50 employees provide insurance. So if this bill passes, even FEWER people will be able to get health insurance through work.

I know that feeling of “still blame myself, wouldn’t for anyone else” well, and hell if I know how to get rid of that feeling. I think it’s because the “blame yourself” narrative is beaten into women since we hit 11 or 12, and making it really difficult to get rid of.

What a fucking schmuck. You didn’t misjudge, and it’s not your fault: that dude was a liar. I’m glad you got out (mostly? I hope?) safely. Internet hugs if you want them.

UGHHH. It’s frustrating that even the senators brave enough to hold a town hall or public meeting of some kind aren’t brave enough to do or say something of value.

I definitely think you’re right about his staff being instructed to give non-answers. I feel like I’m fighting non-answer jujitsu with my arm in a sling. but I also think he’s going to vote for it no matter what - he campaigned on repealing the ACA, then in the last two years has gone to “repeal and replace”. I think

I am blindingly furious about this, and have been for weeks. What makes me even more pissed is the lack of answers from my Senator’s staff (my Republican senator, that is - I live in CO and Cory Gardner is supposedly helping to provide feedback on/write the bill). I’ve heard a number of gems from his staff, including:

Canvas for Issa’s opponent when the midterm campaigns start up. There are groups currently doing info-gathering and voter registration in districts like this, and they’ll move to straight-up campaigning next year. Check out Sister District and Swing Left.

Good to know - thanks for the bullet points and the read!

Can one ... do that? How the hell does someone just say “nope” to a subpoena? (seriously guys I know nothing about law, help me out)

20 years too late :(

This cheered me up so, so much. New York, I miss you!

This new picture feels like the TV version of a real life annoying phenomenon - when a friend goes through a breakup, and then the next person they date is like a slightly off or suckier version of the previous partner.

The last one maybe? I don’t want to put myself into Spicey’s headspace too long, I’ve got brain function to preserve over here.

The vibe I get from this phrase is that to Spicer, it’s fine to use chemical weapons on your people as long as they are, you know, THOSE people and confined away from everyone else. It’s not ok to just drop chemical weapons into any old town willy-nilly.

I love this! We should call our reps and ask them to cosponsor it.

That’s hilarious and should absolutely be in the next SNL bit. I’m imagining one of his visual aids is an owl.