
Some of my favorite people. And they were awesome for speaking out. But until our politicians have the guts to make changes, real changes, against the gun dealership lobby, nothing will change. Because you can wrap all this in the American flag and 2nd amendment bullshit, but it’s all about selling guns and fuck the

TBH, the ‘79 revolution started in a democratic direction, but was quickly usurped by the Shia radicals.

I love the matching track suits, too. So good.

WOMEN—such strange, exotic creatures! Objects of nature! Magical beings of innate nurturing ability! Ugh.

A question. Doesn’t the code talks about political PARTISAN activities? BLM is not a partisan political activity. It’s social activism but not partisan political activity.

You equating BLM with Nazism says all there is to know about you.

The more you valorize masculinity (by associating it with the active, often penetrative, role), the more you despise victims (who have, in your eyes, “lost” that masculinity). It’s beyond gross.

And with any luck, it never will have belonged to a president.

A faux response to a fat joke. How yawn-making.

A fat joke. How truly novel

Hillary, the welfare gutting superpredator, who knows and loves all the minorities in Chappaqua has many, many pros.

Oh for chrissakes.

as Gen X I am telling you, I am still using 14.4 speed dial up modem.

Its kind of disgusting that you have any amount of stars for this.

This is a funny joke!

I’m going to just repost what I said yesterday over on Gawker’s article. I’ve highlighted the part that any anti-vaxxer reading this should pay close attention to.

Aw, Miley’s all right. I’m an old and have developed a bit of a soft spot for her in her post-Hanna Montana years. She’s got a particularly bad case of the Young-and-Stupids that flares up now and then, but I think her heart is in the right place. And while her music isn’t always my cup of, that young lady can SING.

Obama is not a liberal FFS.

Louis CK thinks Kasich would be a good candidate, you know him right?