Ishikawa - Section 9

I played the Open Beta (2 weeks ago now?) and I got bored with it by the end of the first few hours. I was able to deduce that its a game of assaulting walled in buildings over and over to collect more and more until you get to take down a big bad, and then do it over, and over and over. There is very little variety

Oh look the first post in the discussion thread is someone trying to culture-splain something to me because “I can’t understand because I am white”. That’s not racist at all.

You don’t say....

Yet we all (should) have just saw a entire video proving you wrong. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Had he aimed a gun at my kids. This would have solved itself. *shrug*

I am not trying take him off the hook for it, I am putting more hook on with him. *shrug*

Over 1,000,000 people die in automobile accidents the world over per year. That’s with human input. Automated driving is in its infancy by all sides of the argument. Still safer than stupid meat bags making bad decisions.

If there was a country called Black sure. But if it it was a Nigerian cosplayer it would be descriptive in the title. Once again stop taking offense for other people, and you should also stop inventing straw man arguments.

Chinese being the word to describe someone from China would describe nationality not race. Please, please, please stop trying to take offense for other people. It’s ridiculous.

Katrina was a absolute disaster no doubt, but mostly a FEMA disaster, by regulations in place, Bush was essentially powerless until FEMA submitted official requests to him. Not absolving him of responsibility of what he did fuck up, but there is a whole chain of authority there that failed, not just Bush.

What is “Birth-Rape” See another word made up by the regressive left and third wave feminism, to discuss in their echo chambers so they can feel really smart. Or as well call it in the real world.... Birth.

Yeah I was having a hard time figuring out what was actually wrong with the picture at first, but its like a satellite picture taken from the southern hemisphere, but everything is oriented as if its overlayed on the northern hemisphere. Took my brain and eyes a good 10 seconds to go... oh okay this is whats going on

I’ll give it to her, like just about every Democrat in 2017 she is really sticking by those losing policies!

Except that is not at all what happened.
Educate yourself you fucking tool, go watch the speech around the 49 minute mark there is the moment, there are the democrats including DWS and Ellison standing and clapping, now go to the 8-9 minute mark and there is the headline photo you have seen parroted by all the right

With out all the facts I would make an assumption that the Toyota had at least 1 mile previous to move into the correct lane. This is simply a case of all rush ahead in the faster lanes and then try to cut in at the last minute. Don’t cut off people, especially those in positions of authority who can cause your


I have tried multiple times, I love the art style, I love the non-realism aspect of it, but I just can’t get into Overwatch. I like watching it when its on the highlight reel here on Kotaku, and I love seeing the clutch plays and stuff that circulate the web, but just playing it brings me no joy, and I don’t know why

I am excited about the movie, so.... all the rest of you guys (gals and cyborgs) can go kick rocks in edgy hot take land.

Breitbart, FoxNews and Infowars did their best to vilify and demonize Obama for 8 years.

When I first got married, many many moons ago at the dawn of the new century. I thought I was doing a very sweet thing by cleaning the whole house before my new wife got home from work one night. I cleaned the townhouse we lived in from top to bottom, the last step was to run the dishwasher. I grab the liquid dish