Ishikawa - Section 9

Going purely on numbers, Trump won because Clinton was a horrible candidate. Seriously the worst candidate to ever run for President, we can see that, because Trump won. Now, with that said. Who voted for Trump? Obviously party line republicans. But who else, besides those people? Well, people that voted for Obama,

I had no involvement in the Democratic National Convention corruption that led to a wall street shill being ran as their candidate. I had no involvement in them suppressing two candidates that were more highly desirable and orders of magnitude less controversial. I had no involvement in the horrible campaign that

Employers and Libertarians hate unions simply because they take the power away from them. Force them to negotiate and keep them from screwing workers over. A factory can fire a single person and suffer no ill effects until they find a replacement. They can’t fire the entire staff with the same effect. The electrical

I hope to what ever higher deity is out there, that the DNC does not double down on a losing position. Because Trump will beat her again, even after this first month, enough people will vote for ANYTHING BUT every single time.

Libertarians are not going to be voting for any Democrat.
I mean we could make an argument that Jill Stein running under Green Party syphoned votes, but even with those votes, Hillary would have still lost. The DNC lost its own election, by being shady and corrupt. The same moderate and swing voters that went to

But Democrats did have two highly qualified and desirable (in my eyes) nominees besides Clinton. Jim Webb would have beat Trump, we all know with out a shadow of a doubt, Sanders would have wiped the floor with him. But when the Democrats rigged their own election and campaign processes to ensure Hillary was the

It’s not my responsibility to vote for the least horrible candidate. It’s the candidates job to win my vote. Period. Democrats lost their own election, they had two perfectly fine candidates to begin with, but instead the supressed, vilified, and worked against their own best interests. The democrats lost my vote by

“The White House debates it went this way”
If anything is certain, you can be sure almost anything the white house says can be taken as opposite.

Single Player wise, if you are a fan of sci-fi, you are honestly missing out for not playing it. It isn’t amazing, but it does have some of the better set pieces out of any shooter for a while. No spoilers, but you fight on Europa, Titan (with a big ass walking tank as support), an asteroid on a collision course with

I don’t care what race the person who plays the part is, yes its from a JAPANESE origin, but HOLLYWOOD is making this, and there aren’t enough Japanese Actresses with enough starpower (especially not ScarJo levels of starpower) to lead this in the eyes of investors. Sorry reality is stronger than your idealism.

*cough* bullshit *cough*

Don’t worry those ethics laws are about to change anyways.

People that want into your luggage, don’t give a shit about the luggage itself, they will use a knife and cut it open. Don’t place high value items you can’t live with out in stowed luggage. *shrug*

Have you ever served abroad in the military? If not, I would suggest doing a bit of research about the general orders, policies, and practices of the military operating in host nations. There is a saying in the US Army, the fastest way to get Sergeant stripes, is to go to South Korea/Germany/Japan as a Staff Sergeant.

They managed to kill bin-Laden with zero friendly casualties and no non-combatant casualties. When we measure two raids, with similar commanders intent, one is is a success, the other is not. You are willfully and intentionally denying this was a failure. Which is ignorant. 30 civilians died, and we no longer have the

Not one service member and zero non-combatants died during the bin-Laden raid.
Yeah there is a completely difference. Pretending their not, means you are willfully being ignorant of fact. Which seems to be par for the course for those that have and continue to support Trump.

Not all warfare is going to be the occupation that Iraq and Afghanistan was/is. That being said, if you have a large supply convoy coming through, you will send your Route Clearance assets out to proof the roads and clear them of IED’s, before sending hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars of equipment

One would ideally utilize this system on already cleared and secure routes. Having been in the military, I know safety for personnel and equipment is a priority (I know it seems a bit counter-intuitive, but the enemy already wants to kill us, we try to reduce the chances of us helping him out in that regard) and

The F-150 police package was more desirable and was cannibalizing the sales of the Expedition, from what I have been told.

Around the time, they start engaging Trump in court with a Constitution in hand. Marching around with snarky signs on posts, while blaming every bad thing on Black Bloc isn’t going to change any fucking thing he is proposing.