Ishikawa - Section 9

There was no straw man anywhere in there. Your party right now, the bulk and body of it, are marching around with stupid signs, instead of fighting Donald Mussolini where he needs to be fought, and you wonder why you keep fucking losing. Hearing you all moan and cry all the time is nerve wracking.

I am a white, straight, 34 year old male from the midwest. Trump was the best possible candidate for me personally to win, his policies honestly won’t effect me in the least and I still want him to fail. Because the system is broken, and it doesn’t work anymore. Republicans are riding their wave of euphoria of

As motivating as your slacktivism is, and your fake internet outrage and hyperbole is scary as hell. But he isn’t near Hitler, he is a bumbling idiot, who has a job he doesn’t know how to do. You and your kind with your knee jerk reaction and politicizing each and every little thing, COULD be eating his lunch right

He isn’t the second coming of Hitler, calm your tits.

Eh, I am just waiting for dinner to get done, so I will entertain this. but really I don’t give a shit, I don’t support Trump. I want him to fail, I want his whole administration to fail. But to be fair, if Clinton would have won, I would have wanted her to fail to. One side rigged its own primaries to elect a

Luckily I have more than half a brain in my head, and realize there is more to the world than Democrat Vs. Republican. That neither party really gives a shit about people, they just want to install their puppets into office so they can make their sides rich people more wealthy. You mother fuckers act like Trump is the

Just to clarify, my comment was in response to his “no further election due to martial law”. Both sides get anxious about that every time there is a administration change. That is what my comment pertained to. You can believe Trump is the second coming of Hitler if you want. But anyone with half a brain in their head

I actually have no idea how you were able to glean information about my political leanings out of the response I wrote. It’s not revisionist history. Democrats were anxious that W Bush would try to stop hand over to Obama.
Just recently Conservatives were anxious that Obama would try and stop hand over to Trump.

To be absolutely fair, the left were scared of this with W Bush.
The right were scared of this with Obama.
Nice to see the pendulum keeps swinging.

Probably enforcing his Immigration ban.... but that’s just a guess.

Well she is a high priced mail order bride.... she will get no sympathy from me for being a prostitute in fancy clothing.

Outsource Regime Change?
In the past 8 years alone we have had the “somewhat successful” Libya overthrow. Followed by the utterly disastrous and horrifying Syrian debacle.

It is much an aside however it needs to be said, that Russia was communist for 79 years. The leaders of Russia today, right now, were born, raised, brought up, and educated in Communist systems. Those sorts of indoctrination do not die easy. In those communist systems, they were taught that Capitalism (for all its

When you imply that vaccinations cause autism (which they don’t) don’t be surprised when you get labeled anti-vax (which you are). It’s not rocket surgery.... It’s simple deduction.

Because it’s just fucking not, and there is nothing sexist about it. As much AS YOU SO DESPERATELY need their to be to validate your entire existence. Fuck off Jezebel, be glad when Univision shutters this shit show.

Now playing

I don’t care how tough you are, when they *SPOILERS* *SERIOUSLY* pulled Will out of the Quarry and this played, you cried, I cried, my wife cried, my dog was even crying.

As a 34 year old white man, I approve this message.

This isn’t new, Clint Eastwood always has and always will be trash.

Been a big issue with alot of the GTA4 purists, because the game especially when driving has a floaty arcade feel to it. Which I think works mostly, not near as difficult to pull 140 through traffic in this as it was in Liberty City. *shrug* Comes down to personal preference I think.

The more players in the race, the more money that is awarded for win, place, show, etc.
While the stunt tracks are fun to race solo, the fun comes from the random moments of player interaction where cool stuff happens, too bad 90% of the races just turn into demo derbies.