Insulin Care-package inbound!
Insulin Care-package inbound!
Or, you know, use LFG sites and get grouped with people.
Obviously you need raid gear. Once you get that, everything can drop above 300.
I am for this.
You infused a weapon that was 20 points too high, with another weapon that was also 20 points too high. They reduced the infused product by 20 points. You made out the same as if you had a 290 and a 280.
Midnight Exigent is Rasputin’s Warmind protocol.
When I was sent to California for training / work, the hotel Wi-Fi was also abysmal. I upgraded my AT&T plan from unlimited to a 30gb/mo plan for the same price I was paying (It was double data promotion).
Ayy Lmao.
Spoiler alert would have been nice. Thanks.
People have been playing a “demo” since the DLC launched. If you are just realizing this now, I feel bad for you.
Why did you buy the one dlc when they had been advertising the legendary edition for months??
This is asinine to complain about. One of the hurdles in making a console MMOAFPSRPG, is getting the populace to realize it isn’t a fucking console FPS.
It had to be crystal, didn’t it?
Never really understood the niche hyper sexualized, questionably aged, (school) girl / fighting-action-rpg titles.
Holiday rooooooaddd oooo ooo oooo ooo oooo ooo ooo ooo ooo.
I really do feel for those days. I wish I that technology peaked then, and everything was still Windows 2000 / XP.
No Rise of Nations love?
It didn’t make me feel anything, and that’s a disappointment. Some video game trailers make me FEEL something, like excitement, or anxiety, panic, etc.
And, even if the analogy was applicable to her, there is a thing called the draft, where it is perfectly OK to send someone who opposes war, into the battlefield.
Upon exiting the church, rather than throw rice, or blow bubbles, the guests ceremoniously peed on the newlyweds.