116 Sword Bearers and counting...no husk.
116 Sword Bearers and counting...no husk.
Ground yourself and don't touch the green circuity of the Read instructions. Problem solved.
The LED will eventually be required for VR tracking.
Since when has additional content needed to advance progress in the game been an issue within an MMO? Any level cap you find in WoW requires the next expansion to unlock it.
Ahhh I submitted something to tips, didn't know this had a different one. I'll submit it right away!
Things I'd like to see with the next expansion:
I think this is perfectly merited. I don't think they can change this either, because it is something network based, and not arena based. I'm probably talking out of my ass, since i have no idea how the game processes events based on the host, but it just sounds more tricky than your typical cheese.
This shit will likely go on for a few or more. Even if they DID stop, the problem will be millions of users now trying to log on simultaneously. What a fucking clusterfuck.
Hackers, man.
I live on my own, all I wanted to do was play PS4 for Christmas after working 6 days straight in retail...before working another 6 straight days in retail. It's a pretty big bummer dude.
This image has been on the Bungie page for a week or so, and it's pissed me off every god damned time. He has such a fucking smug look on his face, because he damn-well knows what he's giving.
My favorite video game composer. Albeit the only I know by name. I'm sure nostalgia blinds my vision, but god damn there are some great tunes from VII to X.
No one grows body hair in this game. At first I thought the effeminate boy-girl in the GIF was just a specific race (think Blood Elf), that didn't have many masculine features. Yet all other males are the same.
I would very much like a live action movie. I think they could make the CHI convincing
Do you have ADD? Do you play several games at any given time? Is the 10 seconds spent scrolling really that inconvenient to you?
Red Samurai makes one at GS for $30. You can also get the official (though discontinued) PS Vita headset for $20, which is an in-ear option. There will be a dangling right earpiece, but it has a good microphone and chat comes through very clear.
So DC went from being a launch game, that was free, to being delayed...but still free, to now being about the cost of a brand new game, and without multiplayer.
This means that a Red / Blue 3DS version are right around next years holiday season corner.
Except that players would potentially abuse that. Like, lemme see what's around this corner...