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I thought I was the only one. I quit out after 2 minutes. Thankfully that quoted transcript was below the video.

Hunters are completely vulnerable when in their Super.

It actually makes me think of the transmale pornstar with a vagina.

It was actually good. Now everyone isn't spamming Auto-rifles. Also, it gives a reason to use a Scout.

now if only someone put this on a server. I would play on a RPVP map

Well if it were FF, the background would be a heavily pre-rendered, static backdrop. It woud have little dynamic functions, other than the occasional shader or trigger animation.

How many players can't communicate through voice chat on Destiny every day? 3,200,000.

Seriously? It looks like it will be pretty good. The only problem is capturing an audience on a exclusive platform.

This whole response is a complete copout. The whole point of IB was to make being high level AWESOME. If you're level 3, you should be scared as shit that there are people level 20+ on the other side.

Solution: Give an X/10 rating system for players, where X is the number of times they've completed a match without abandoning their teammates for the past 10 matches.

1080p has been something that mattered since Virtua Tennis 3 in 2007, lol.

This just reaffirms my suspicion that Warlocks are better for raids / strikes (PvE) than PvP. They have the best AOE moves, and with the ability to revive, it makes them a tough Guardian to beat.

Dead Space was notorious for this. The very first mission you encounter a room with flashing lights, blood everywhere, creeping sounds in the walls....and nothing happens.

PS4 - $400

I was expecting things to just start turning real, like Jake one day to become a real dog. Instead, it got more and more bleak.

Anyone else reading China Lake's comment should replace Mt.Dew with Semen.


Yeah, the game has its high points. I really can't believe how fucking terrible the campaign is, though.

I'm currently playing Destiny, at the Venus missions now, and this is really disheartening.

well, the cave still would work, it just has a lower rate of loot, so for a single player it's probably ok. But once someone jumps in and takes his