
I truly am glad I left GameStop when I did. They had started the program, and naturally there was an abundance of stupid starters, which of one needed...BECAUSE EVERYONE GOT THEM.

And STILL, despite the PS4 and all her glory, NO Final Fantasy VII remake.

I just don't get what kind of scumbag would kill someone for $400. If that's how little they value another humans life, they should be put in Russian salt mines.

The gameplay, and world look beautiful, however the story has me—not unlike illustrated logo—sleeping.

This was a great litmus test for who Anerica "liberates" next.

I wish Destiny was a PS4 exclusive. Sony needs an exclusive shooter, and Halo is going to steal so much steam from Bungie on Xbox.

Some people like to hear themselves talk, and they do so in a way that panders to the lowest common denominator. That is how you become disgustingly famous on YouTube.

Then you can get some eats at Kenka, only about 3 minutes away.

It kind of had the opposite effect on me. The campy noises were annoying, I'd probably watch the channel if I wasn't certain they overuse the shit out of those effects on a regular basis.

Why is embedding images such a pain in the ass / nonexistent now?

The future is now

Employers like to see that you're capable of sharing. In the future, list "running a train on your wife."

Why don't people just go knock on Lou's door.

I have an annoying friend who is all about Vemma Energy drinks by Verve. The program basically recruits college students, who buy their inventory, and try to sell the drinks to other friends. However, the margins are very small, that even in large scale, you're going to profit very little. Bonuses are made by

Trap Team?

It is blatantly ripping off the XBOX 360 "Special Edition" controller. However it lacks the minimalism found in the SE. The only positive note is the color arrows enclosed by the X/Y/A/B buttons.

The Vita is my favorite handheld console, ever.


I have said it before, and I will say it again.

I would think these lawsuits are like playing a game of Russian roulette. In one hand, asking for a reasonable amount of money may risk your suit being completely overlooked, but. In the other, asking for a ludicrous amount almost guarantees your case gets traction, but usually draws the ire of everyone realizing how