The bottom image credit lead me to believe it was lol.
The bottom image credit lead me to believe it was lol.
Maybe this guys mom is a fan of Woody Allen she married her son?
Am I the only one concerned that the cover photo is suggesting there are fires also in Hudson Bay / Gulf of Mexico?
The standard microphone sucks on the 360. Their older generation wireless headset is garbage too. I haven't used their bluetooth set—but it uses the same wireless technology as the former version; it's possible that it's an environment thing for causing interference.
You're right.
Yeah, really.
Lmao, you're right. My friend didn't believe that people still use Vista, I guess Ctrl+C didn't take when I tried the second time.
Oh boy, another service we didn't ask for.
My thought's exactly.
No no no no no no.
Naw, read into it a little more. It's more about software being specifically tailored for Nintendo's funky consoles / hardware. Read some of my replies to other comments.
True, there are certain titles that do earn the twisted and deranged category, but these titles are also few and far in between. It wasn't likely Rockysteady's call, but instead the collaboration of Nintendo and Rocksteady trying to market Nintendo's new controller, like making all these awesome new gadgets to utilize…
No, I mean that other developers must retool their game to work with Nintendo's new hardware. It's subjective whether or not the functionality or gameplay of the game is worsened / improved, my experience with the Wii has's the former.
Well, to be fair, it IS a system that's current lineup includes three games from 2011 as *launch* titles..
My main quibble wasn't necessarily the design change of Catwoman, but the principle of it. True, you suggest—as many others have—that this *may* be a skin, and there *may* be regular outfits. So your speculation is no more concrete than mine or the author's. With that said, Nintendo does have a say in what is / is not…
Yes that's what I meant. Most wont delete because of losing literally everything. Again, I am all for Sony's tactic of allowing users to take advantage of key features of a game—for essentially free—even if that means I have to spend $$$ on more memory cards. Although...that may be a while, I grabbed the 16GB, well…
What I'm curious of, is whether such information can be deemed admissible in the search and seizure of ones property e.g., posting a photo of your buddies bong. Threats authored by the user I can see having considerable weight, but a photo that may or may not even be taken at your residence / be your property seems…
I'm writing the Wii U off, saying it right now.
I guarantee you this wouldn't have been an issue if parents were capable of abiding by game ratings. No sound minded adult would call into question the promotion of real world guns, but the weak-willed parents that let their children play these games justify their choice by assuming their kids can make the distinction…