As already announced here:
As already announced here:
I bet these girls give great helmet.
For a game incorporating so many successful elements of other franchises, AND being a sandbox title, why is there no multiplayer? Is there any intention down the line—dependent on the success of this title—to come out with multiplayer?
Oh...not Blu-Ray?
I will probably be getting this game.
I'm very disappointed by the fact that only one of the four titles are Vita.
How about Vita support?
He sounds like a twenty-something disillusioned hipster who at worst lives in his parent's basement—rather than Seattle WA or the Williamsburg area, NY. At best he's a gaming evangelist; his beliefs are narrow-minded and his representation for change is so haphazardly strewn together, it wouldn't merit even a modicum…
My only apprehension to OSX M. Lion is that it will have the same battery killing issue OSX Lion did for the MBA.
I'm glad we all agree that lighting plant matter on fire and inhaling the byproduct isn't very good for us.
Well at least they have a pricing scheme that makes sense.
Bring E3 to the East Coast...and make it one day longer, being open to the public after all has been said / done. There will still be demos, there will still be technical displays. I promise they will see significant growth in E3 popularity and more importantly, profitability.
It seems this boys life has all tide low.
If you read the article, or even the blog says the clipping is circa 1993.
Are you saying that many of us were not of age to be "Cyberpunk" or are you just unaware that this is the 21st century?
It's a blog. It's audience clearly ebbs on the side adults and young adults enthusiastic about gaming.
I wonder when its next pass by will be.
Why hasn't this been goatse shopped?
The reason there are not demos anymore is because, unlike adverts and word of mouth, a user only gets a microcontext of the games potential. Many great games don't become great until being immersed in them for some time, often times a demo won't do it justice; or in certain contexts, it can destroy a game e.g. NBA…