
I suppose, however It just isn't that big of a deal.

But think about it this way, how many people own video game consoles, connected to high speed internet, and *DON'T* own an HDTV?

This is like being upset that your brand new BDP doesn't play VHS.

I should get a star for realizing everyone got trolled in this thread by martinthew.

It's clear that Western box art adheres more strictly to gender role stereotypes. Since games are still primarily marketed to adolescent boys, (unless the game is a traditional "girl" game, e.g. barbie, pets, etc.) there is an apparent aggressive tone throughout all the Western comparisons. This isn't to say the

It's guaranteed FF VS. XIII.

It's possible it's from plastics that have been recycled. Making different plastic from plastics that exist is less impacting to the environment than making new plastics from petroleum byproducts.

It was only one speculation—the argument of strength over mind. It was only bringing a point, and besides, who is to say that the scenario described isn't plausible? What would it take to change society so much? Natural disaster, nuclear war and disease all pose as plausible scenarios that would eradicate a

I will concede that the colloquial equivalent of beating a dead horse must be done in regards to scientific inquiry. I was blinded by my own understanding of the subject and forgot that in light of conventional logic, ones presumptions of the natural world may be flawed, and conversely, despite an innumerable degree

You're thinking too much about what metaphysically makes us "intelligent." I am talking about the biological evolution of brain itself. Determining what or who is smart is tough, you're correct in that respect. But think about what allows us to even have intelligence? It's our brain, over the last million or so years

Silly as my disdain over this study may be, it's because on blogs such as io9 (which I do enjoy reading), every study is portrayed as revelatory. It isn't the sciences fault, I know, it's the writers and pressures on them to get clicks.

Put this in the "no duh" category.

I think this is based off of the physical constraints within the real world on a molecular scale. It's not a matter of engineering feats, as undoubtedly that 30nm remark must be about. Instead it's that at the scale of 5nm the wonky world of quantum physics takes over and the chip physically can no longer function as

If Silicon chips are manufactured in 3 dimensions, wouldn't this ultimately change the principles of Moore's Law? I mean, if he determined that the number of transistors doubled in a "2 dimensional" silicon chip every 1.5 years, wouldn't that mean that instead transistors would be squared every 4 1/4 months?

I regularly drink food dye in effort to make rainbow poops

This bill should pass, PERIOD. With access to information provided on Facebook, there is reason to believe that should an employer not hire you, it is on the basis of discrimination. On Facebook individuals often list information that is illegal to ask during an interview, such as age, sexual preference, nationality,

What a lovely little turd.

Although humans do think far too highly of themselves, just having an oral vocabulary doesn't mean we should go out of our way to preserve this species. By that logic every living thing should be protected due in part to the fact that every living cell can transmit and receive hundreds of thousands of unique molecular

I don't see why they wouldn't. I mean, there are a number of PS2 titles slated for the PS3 store, such as the FFX HD re-skin. The Vita has crossplay support for PS3 the hardware is there, it's just the software (firmware too?) that needs retooling.