
No. He’s wrong for seeing Jane die for Thor.

A two hour movie was never going to give Jane’s Mighty Thor the range and depth of experiences she had in the comic. Comics exist for stories like that where you can spend dozens of issues letting a character grow and develop. Even if Jane survived Love And Thunder it was going to be a greatest hits version.

They setup the cancer before she even got Mjolnir. It wasn’t exactly out of nowhere, and certainly not a last second twist like you’re implying here.

Ahem, ahem, ahem, eh?  Bub in WHAT accent???  🏒🍁🟥⬜🟥

* canadian accent


This is the result of 8 mile a day runs, moderate weight training, combined with good sleep at my ripe old 50 yrs!

The author explicitly questioned why a non-Black writer was allowed to write the comic “in the first place.” Black writers have worked on other issues in the same series.

saying “they should’ve hired a Black writer for this and there is no excuse why they didn’t”

Yeah, I don’t think anyone is trying to defend this particular piece. It was mindboggling bad and indicates that a lot of people up the quality assurance chain at Marvel are just awful at their jobs.

But to make the assertion that non-black people shouldn’t be hired to write a black character is, I think, far from a

He should be criticized for his work, and his identity is inseparable from that criticism. What’s concerning is the implication that he shouldn’t have ever been hired in the first place because he was not Black.

We’re getting to a pretty concerning place if non-black writers are never allowed to write black characters. There’s attempting to address imbalances and then there’s race-gating, which feels pretty gross.

Miles was created by a non-black writer and he never felt inauthentic.

I would think orcs, being elves at one point, should also be similarly declining as time goes on.”

Or -- and hear me out, because this is a little wild -- two well-crafted shows can succeed without either of them needing to be a reaction to the other or their audiences.

I don’t know, I’ve decided that purposefully inhaling any carcinogens into my lungs is not something I need to do going forward. 

I’m surprised weed isn’t on this list, as there isn’t a lot of solid evidence to back up the various claims about its benefits. One thing I’m surprised I don’t see more often is discussion around the health effects of smoking it. Over the past couple of months I’ve made a shift from smoking to other methods of

With all of these the dose makes the poison or the cure, except for which exercise is best. Exercise is in and of itself stress to the body, but it also helps your body better deal with stress.

And for me, Caesar

Maybe the author of this article was confusing ‘matriarchal leaders of the Aiel’ with ‘one of Rand’s three love interests.’

Yes... the body reacts to caloric restriction through a process called metabolic adaptation. However, that is accounted for in the Calories Out part of CICO. Just like calories in isn’t a static amount, calories out isn’t a static amount either. It adjusts which is why as you continue to diet you have to further lower