Credit card info? Social media? Bank accounts? Cloud storage? Lots of reasons why people want to protect sensitive data on their phone.
Credit card info? Social media? Bank accounts? Cloud storage? Lots of reasons why people want to protect sensitive data on their phone.
doesn’t everyone have nude pics on their phone?
jokes aside, I do it because people don’t need to look at my shit even if I have nothing to hide
This was my point. It’s a goofy premise.
If there’s one thing I hate, it’s Japan turning super serious stories about genetically enhanced humans spliced with animals/ bugs going off to another planet to fight superevolved insects into something goofy.
Iam just glad that i got a golden misteryous challenger in one of those chest rewards at the end of season so when they nerf that guy iam gonna get 1600 dust for free.
Oh I understand where you’re coming from, and Hunter being the only class able to remove secrets (Flare) seems silly.
I feel really frustrated with Heartstone lately,when there is a cheesy deck like 30% of players are using it, leaving me no choice to build decks against those decks, or I join them at the end. With the Warsong deck I almost quit playing, I still can hear the ‘EVERYONE GET IN HEREEEE’. Heartsone is seriously like…
In TitS (hehe, that acronym still makes me giggle), if you examine a treasure chest after opening it, you get humorous little messages. This is most likely one of those. :)
I think this qualifies as a pretty good easter egg. It’s a hidden message in the PC version of Trails in the Sky SC, which came out last week after four and a half years of localization hell. Poor guys.
Because getting mew is like pulling teeth?
You only need to look at 487 dicks to play it.
They give away free games, and people still complain. Lol
Yep. And in Canada we switched from the Funimation dub back to Ocean Group sometime in the Freiza Saga. It was a long ass wait for those new episodes to child me.
It’s cute because anyone who actually bothered to keep their copy already owns all the Batman Games. It’s is a nice gesture, except it’s purposefully an empty one which robs even more good will from their community.
Why are they giving away games that pretty much everybody who buys this ALREADY HAS?!? Why not the DLC?
I would imagine they are waiting until the Blizzcon panels next weekend to reveal what’s coming next.
When Version 5.0 comes out and they finally disable that useless MMO feature and let you play the game it should have always been...I’ll play it
You could have a couple marines. But he’ll have adepts as well. You’d have to build a bunker pretty damn early to fight this off effectively it seems.
It’s basically a warm up exercise. The further you get into the game the more of those key presses are actually doing something. This early in the game a lot of the key presses are just to keep your fingers moving but it gets you ready as your base becomes larger.