
“Moe is a disease. I’m the cure”

00 was no masterpiece. It was pretty much a remake of Gundam wing but with aliens at the end. I'm still watching g recon so the jury is still out. Build fighters was genius because it reaches out to the model building community and made it mainstream. There's nothing Pokemon about it. This new series seems more like

And in the “worst” category: Not being able to see the actual end of the game unless you get all the Riddler trophies... No thank you.

I’m not trying to defend the act of stealing. I’m just trying to shed some light to the fact that is far more easier to get games when you live and work on a 1st world country. And the fact that internet allow us to desire and envy stuff we can’t easily access makes harder for people to resist doing something illegal

I guess that is the difference between those of us who work hard for our stuff and those who are entitled, I work 2 jobs this month to pay off debt faster, and I wait until steam sales. people are entitled bitches.

That’s some hardcore denial.


If you watch the TV on certain nights in Persona 3, you’ll see an interview show where they talk to P1 and P2 characters. It’s a tenuous connection, but the games take place in the same world.

Persona 1 takes place in 1996 and Persona 2 takes place in 1999. We know this because the P1 characters are 3 years older in P2, and the Aquarius-Taurus-Scorpio-Leo Grand Cross that takes place in P2 was a real astrological event in August of ‘99 that some crazy people thought might result in the end of the world, and

At first, I didn’t believe it when I saw it. I mean, seriously? Are we talking about food, shelter, clothing, which are, you know, somewhat essential? Oh, no... we’re talking about GAMES here. Entertainment. Which is the same thing right? I guess you could DIE out of boredom, right? Seriously, this is a joke, right?

This argument bothers me. People are not entitled to luxury items. Otherwise, all of us would have swimming pools, yachts, and 90-inch TVs. That’s like a car thief arguing that he was entitled to steal his neighbor’s Lexus because he could only afford an ancient Geo Metro.

I used to work retail, and watch people on food stamps buy current gen consoles and beer with the money they saved from food stamps and it drove me nuts, I made to much for food stamps but was to poor for video games and such cause I was trying to afford college yet these people who were getting government hand outs

This one is absolutely ridiculous. Entitlement knows no bounds.

Yeah.........yeah.......I was like, no, actually, if you can’t afford something you don’t get it. That’s life. I can’t afford a house, I don’t just go squat in McMansions because I SHOULDNT BE DENIED SOMETHING I CANT AFFORD!

This is such a load of crap! I’ve pirated games and it’s dishonest, I’m happy with my dishonesty, it’s generally games I wouldn’t have bought anyway. But this justification is absurd! Imagine standing in line at the airport and demanding to be upgraded to first class because you’re too poor to afford it.

There all kinds of laws that reaffirm what I wrote above by principle, even if not explicitly stated. There are all kinds of public nuisance laws, the whole legal concept of living wages (rather than simply minimum), etc. People have a right to do what they want to do within the confines in the law, in order have

Food, water, shelter, clothing, basic human dignity? Fuck yes.

But your money isn’t a tangible thing either. You get paid electronically into an an electronic bank account. Neither is your identity, its all bits and bytes stored on a hard drive somewhere. It’s all electrons.

Those are usually the mental midgets that don’t quite grasp that gaming is a want not a need

Bomb threat. Age is irrelevant.