
Its likely just where I live but when I am used to seeing any form of protein drink running for $3.00 to $4.50 a bottle $30/12 seems eminantly reasonable for me. Though, I am old fashioned. I buy protein powder, high protein milk, and slam the two together. 

My thought process as I read the article:

“Coming out of Tik Tok” oh god this is going to be bad.

Its protein and coffee. Oh this might not be bad.

a bottled protein shake with cold brew coffee over ice, although you can use any protein and any type of coffee that you like. Some people add flavored syrups and even

Exactly! HIIT is good for pumping up your V02 Max its not good for losing weight, I’d argue its actually BAD for body composition goals due to the fact its so intense it can slow or even reverse muscle growth. Whenever I am training people if they want to lose weight I tell them to get a cheap tracker and get steps

HIIT is just a buzzword at this point. Until I read this I wasn’t even aware of how much its lost any semblance of meaning. One of the comments here is that Planet Fitness has a “HIIT” class that has people alternating between weights and cardio. Which from a trainer perspective hurts my damn head. At this point

Which was the second part of my comment. HIIT is better if you do it properly but most don’t do it hard enough to be worth it, so doing more work at a higher but sustainable intensity will likely work better unless you’re addapted to an extremely intense workout.

Exactly! HIIT is not easy. If you’re doing “HIIT” and you are not struggling to move afterwards it wasn’t HIIT it was MIIT (Medium...) or more likely LIIT. I literally just got off my bike where I rode 7.75km in 10 minutes steady state which wasn’t even a PR attempt, I am in very good cardiovascular shape. HIIT kicks

No. First if you’re goal is to burn calories heart rate has actually no bearing what so ever, “fat burning zone” is a myth. Caloric burn is simply how much energy you expended moving. There are only two factors mass and distanc1e traveled, remember this is physics. A 100 lb person moving 10km will burn the same

I almost got sucked into buying an adjustable grip trainer that Amazon put on sale and advertised to me. It was 40% off, under $20.00, so it looked like a “good deal” AND it was in the “impulse buy” zone of sub-$20.00. Basically, its priced, advertised, and marketed perfectly. The only reason I didn’t buy it was when

Do they burn a lot of calories? More than sitting sure? More than 20 minutes of the equivalent activity at a standard pace? Likely not. If anything they may burn less, as lots of people especially out of shape people cannot recover fast enough. The best way to burn the most amount of calories is to move at the

Shut up. There are multiple sides to a reasonable debate however there are also limitions to that. Just like its f***ing stupid to fully shutdown an economy when there is only 100 cases in the community its also fucking stupid to not wear a mask when there are tens of thousands of cases in the community. There are two

Agreed man. This isn’t for everyone lol by far. For the vast majority of new lifters train hard, train consistent, and enjoy yourself can make a lot of gainz. Its once you start hitting road blocks that you might need to study up somewhat. Myself, I am just a nerd, I love new and hot data and the nutrition and sports

I live in Toronto the most lockeddown jurisdiction in the western world, no joke, in the past year gyms have been open a total of 10 weeks, and I have not been able to get a haircut for the past four months. So I know that feeling. I got to the point before I invested in a bench and some dumbbells (I live in an


Science Tangent Time but its fitting.

Toronto was just notified today we’re going to be in our eternal lockdown for... ever I suppose. Meanwhile when asked about Vaccines General Hillier that is overseeing it says over 80 will be vaccinated sometime in the next two weeks (yay only two months behind everyone else) and that 30 somethings, ie me, sometime in

For Canadian Readers: Don’t live in Canada.

Not true actually. There is no “wasted” protein all of it will be digested and used for muscle protein synthesis or energy depending on the bodies needs. Its like saying if you eat 400 grams of carbs in a sitting that we don’t use all the carbs. It doesn’t work quite like that.

Yes sorry for the confusion. Eating is conducive to performance. Also not dying which is good.

I just want to add unless you are DEEP into a cut for a bodybuilding show or you’re drastically trying to cut weight through water deprivation (at which point you’re not working out so...). There is almost no scenario outside endurance events, where you actually need inter-workout nutrition. Especially sugars found in