
I’ve never owned a GoPro. Always thought it was too expensive for the amount of use I would get out of it. This camera intrigues me, so they might be on to something...

You missed your opportunity — it should have been spelled Fischer throughout the article. Disappointed.

Great article! While it’s quite a bit separated from your car, my friends and I havea 5th gen Tercel that we race in Lemons. It’s a blast.

I’ve been misinformed. Thanks for the clarification folks. Thought the change had been worldwide, not just US/Canada.

VW is no longer manufacturing 2-door Golfs or GTIs, so that’s why you’re seeing everything based on 4 doors.

If the treasure is real, and was placed in a somewhat accessible location, who’s to say that it hasn’t been found yet? Be funny if a bunch of dummies were risking life and limb for something that’s already gone. Another twist — the person who found it doesn’t know anything about the connection to Fenn, so never called

They are, just not new ones. Craigslist is flooded with used, ridiculously low miles sportsters. Why buy new when you can get a barely used one for 1/3 of the price?

Warren was a legend. I’ve loved his films for years and always look forward to the release of the new one every year, so I can join a bunch of rowdy people in a theater and get stoked on the amazing images up on the big screen. Shred in Peace Mr. Miller. Thanks for being amazing.

This resignation letter infuriates me. It’s an exercise in bull shit excuse-making. Beyond that, she actually goes out of her way to try and talk herself up, trying to call out everything she’s done to support taking Nassar down. This oblivious bitch talks about how “it’s not about me” and yet this entire letter is

My Echo is my main alarm, but for exactly the reasons you state above, I have a secondary alarm set on my phone, just in case.

We’re living in an amazing world when a doorbell is capturing video of a meteor. If someone told me that 10 years ago I would have asked them to share some of their drugs.

Who cares. Just make my Instagram feed chronological.

Stef! Has Black Flag been put out to pasture?! It appears so and that makes me sad. I hope you and the rest of the folks who handle racing-related coverage for Jalopnik aren’t being phased out. :(

I always knew about this car, but had never dug into the details. Yesterday’s Daily Transmission opened my eyes to how awesome this thing is, and made me like Tanner even more. He’s a mad man behind the wheel and that car is a beast.

Great read! I wish John all the best in getting the Datsun completed. And I wish both him and Michelle all the best in the future. We all have our flaws, but that shouldn’t stop us from being happy. These two certainly sound like they’re great together.

Very rad story. I’ve never met Alex, but was aware of his old shop and always heard good things. The guy who tuned his car, Franz Diebold (he’s also in the vid), is a great guy and a fantastic tuner. I really enjoyed this vid, but it’s making me miss driving my race car, haha! 8 more weeks!

My concerns are a combination of a few things...

This is absolutely the stuff that dreams are made of, especially for a group of guys who started off doing small events. If you walk around the Lemons, Cha(u)mpCar or AER paddocks and ask anyone about this story and I bet a you’ll catch quite a few of them get a bit teary-eyed just thinking about the possibility of

Love it! This is a much better overall design than the DB11. It’s got all the right cues from the Bond DB10, but updated in the right way. I’m really glad they didn’t carry over that awful c-pillar treatment from the DB11. This car is going to age much better than the DB11.

Great video. I’ve got an older Braun ambulance that I use to haul my team’s race car. I’ve been very impressed with the build quality of my ‘96, so the performance of this 21-year newer unit is no surprise. Cool to see!