
When other inmates need to be protected for their own safety, they are thrown in solitary.

He is a disgusting toady sycophantic hole of a person and see when ACTUAL Brexit work happens, he buggers off to Trump tower. He just wants to fan the flames and take credit. He and the Daily Mail have a LOT to answer for. Nasty, cruel and all very deliberate.

Mair, et. al are the same mindset that makes a mixed raced woman do things like this. Logic and understanding things aren’t the strong suits of their ideology

And what was Nigel Farage’s comment 6 days later on the day of Brexit? That “he won” it “without a single bullet being fired”.

“At his home, police uncovered a large collection of Nazi memorabilia and material.”

Upon hearing the news, the president elect scratched a name off his list of potential cabinet members and muttered, “dammit”.

Why do you say “no way”? It’s distribution. She ran up the score in super blue states and lost them in swing ones that mattered, and whoopsy-daisy, we unfortunately award points based on artificial geographical districts rather than aggregate measures that would allow a cross-border alliances of classes and factions

Gawker is no more because it was the target of a lengthy, secretive, vengeful campaign by a billionaire who is a luminary in silicon valley and is also now a member of Trump’s transition team. I fail to see how politics is irrelevant to tech.

I’m a lawyer. We rely on.....well, reliability. We have to know what the law is and what it is going to be in order to advise our clients. Yes, laws change and sometimes quickly. But not knowing from one day to the next what, for example, the enforcement priorities for ICE will be in January make it really hard to

“Free speech” is like “free market” — a decent enough guiding principle, but for devils in the details. There’s nothing censorious about being unwilling to entertain hate. The idea that any form of speech should be defended is morally bankrupt and completely untenable in any civilized society. There’s a swastika in a

The culture of censorship surrounding unpopular opinions by the left has always been oppression.

I’m sorry- I’m wracking my brain, but when did anyone in the government shut down or stymie any of the hate speech trolling publications or individuals during the Obama administration? Maybe I need more coffee, but didn’t they sort of flourish in the last decade unfettered? I mean, yes people on the left publicly
